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Roberts Space Industries ®

Starfront Squadron / DFFORCE

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Securing the Stars, Brawling in the Frontlines: Starfront Squadron fights any threat.



Starfront Squadron traces its origins back to the tumultuous days of the Wars of Jumptown during the festive season of Luminalia in 2952. It was amidst the chaos of these conflicts that fate intertwined the paths of three individuals – StatiiiC, Berde and El_Carnisero.

United by circumstance and a shared desire for adventure, these pioneers of the cosmos discovered a camaraderie forged in the crucible of adversity. Through skirmishes and alliances, they navigated the trials of the Stanton system, honing their skills and fortifying their bond as a formidable collective.

Initially coalescing as a steadfast group, their experiences and triumphs ignited a fervor within. The ambitions that stirred within this trio surpassed the boundaries of their initial exploits. Determined and unwavering, they envisioned a future beyond mere camaraderie, aiming for something greater.

As the Wars of Jumptown faded into the annals of history, the spirit of Starfront Squadron was born. It represented not just a collective of individuals but a beacon of unity, strength, and ambition. From humble beginnings, this alliance evolved into an aspiring force ready to carve its mark upon the stars.

Together, they embark on a new chapter, their aspirations reaching beyond the confines of their early adventures. Striving for more, Starfront Squadron sets its sights on greatness in the boundless expanse of the universe.


At Starfront Squadron, we epitomize the guardians of order amidst the boundless expanse of the cosmos. Our existence thrives on the principles of defense, security, and prosperity. We embrace the dual mantle of a private military corporation, undertaking missions that range from safeguarding our clients’ interests to navigating the shadowy territories of freelancing. Yet, amid this, we hold steadfast to a code that defines us.

We are architects of safety, providing a shield against threats that loom large. Our courage is tethered to professionalism; our ferocity, channeled by discipline. While our missions span the spectrum, we understand the gravity of our actions. We strive to tread the righteous path, but we acknowledge that the path to fortune sometimes diverges from legality. Thus, we navigate this nuanced landscape with precision and pragmatism.

Our fleet embodies the spirit of combat excellence. From nimble fighters to formidable capital ships, our arsenal stands ready to answer the call of duty, be it in protecting our allies or prevailing in legendary fleet battles that etch our names into the annals of history.

Yet, amidst the chaos of conflict and the allure of profit, our unity stands unshakable. In our halls, disputes amongst brethren remain unheard. We stand as a bastion of camaraderie, recognizing that our strength lies not only in our armaments but also in our unity. We pledge to abstain from internal strife, understanding that our greatest triumphs arise from our collective strength. Together, we are indomitable; together, we ascend towards the zenith of interstellar glory.


Members of Starfront Squadron are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:


Members must demonstrate respect towards each other and individuals outside the organization. Racism, hate speech, and discriminatory behavior are strictly prohibited.


While our actions may sometimes traverse the boundaries of legality, members must exercise discretion and judgment. Engaging in unlawful activities should be approached cautiously, keeping in mind the potential consequences to our reputation and standing within the universe.


No member shall engage in hostilities against fellow squadron members. Internal conflicts weaken us; unity strengthens us. Disputes should be resolved through communication and mediation.


Each member is accountable for their actions. Any behavior that undermines the values and integrity of Starfront Squadron will result in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
By joining Starfront Squadron, you acknowledge and accept these regulations, understanding that our collective success hinges upon unity, respect, and prudent actions within the bounds of practicality and necessity.