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Roberts Space Industries ®

Department of Clone Services / DOCS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Social

Welcome to the Department of Clone Services! This is a loose association of spacemen that moonlight as Search and Rescue workers in their time off. Armed with a rusty medbot and some basic first aid training, DOCS are on call to come pull your body out of the the dark, cold void of space.


The Department of Clone Services has been designed after a number of other community service-oriented outfits that have existed in prior games. While in most cases those services focused on things like travel, corpse runs, and making industry accessible to the masses it is our goal to keep your spaceman alive – whoever you are. DOCS is an apolitical outfit made up of volunteers from other groups that just want to help in return for operating costs and, perhaps, a tip.


The Department of Clone Services is a loosely-knit humanitarian organization whose goal is to provide quick, reliable medical aid throughout the known galaxy and to ensure that you don’t die.


The Department of Clone Services may be a loose organization of part-timers but each of the pilots of DOCS must adhere to a rather strict set of rules.

  • While flagged up as on-duty you must be willing to put aside other faction and organization affiliations and be willing to revive and heal anyone that you come across.
  • While flagged up as on-duty you will do the job and keep statements apolitical and avoid abrasive confrontations.
  • While flagged up as on-duty you will not fire upon other players unless they have fired upon you.

Should a DOCS pilot not follow the above rules they may be reported to Erev and the pilot will be dealt with accordingly. That said, if you are going to make an accusation please do have proof with you – either video for engagements (Shadowplay is great) or screenshots for chat issues.