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Roberts Space Industries ®


  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Welcome to D.R.U.I.D.S, a company of pilots specializing in delivery, retrieval, utility, intel, defense, and salvage operations. We more often than not work in teams of two, safety is one of our concerns. Our main concern, however, is efficiency. Cut corners, cut fuel lines, get there first.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


I. Introduction

Welcome to D.R.U.I.D.S, a distinguished organization of elite pilots dedicated to the core principles of Delivery, Retrieval, Utility, Intel, Defense, and Salvage. Our foundation is built upon a commitment to collaboration and efficiency, as we recognize the significance of safety and the value of innovation. At the heart of our manifesto lies the mantra: “Cut corners, cut fuel lines, get there first.” This is more than a mere slogan; it’s a testament to our unwavering dedication to excellence in every aspect of our operations.

II. The Pillars of D.R.U.I.D.S

A. Delivery: Pioneering Efficiency

At D.R.U.I.D.S, we don’t just deliver; we redefine the concept of delivery. Our pilots are meticulously trained to optimize routes, harness cutting-edge technology, and ensure swift, secure, and efficient transport of goods. We understand that time is money, and we intend to save both.

B. Retrieval: Precision in Recovery

Retrieval isn’t just about retrieval; it’s about rescuing assets and resources with precision and care. D.R.U.I.D.S excels in recovering lost cargo, stranded ships, and valuable assets. We leverage our expertise to reclaim what others may deem lost, all while minimizing waste.

C. Utility: Resourceful Innovation

We embrace the ethos of utility, where every resource is maximized, and nothing is squandered. Our pilots are resourceful innovators, making the most out of limited resources and ensuring our operations are not just efficient but sustainable.

D. Intel: Eyes Everywhere

In an ever-evolving universe, intelligence is key. D.R.U.I.D.S is at the forefront of information gathering and analysis. We maintain a constant vigil, ensuring that we are well-informed, always a step ahead, and ready to adapt to any situation.

E. Defense: Shielding Excellence

As protectors of our clients’ interests, we stand as an impenetrable shield. Our commitment to defense is unwavering. We employ state-of-the-art defensive strategies to safeguard our missions, our clients, and our reputation.

F. Salvage: Turning the Wreckage into Wealth

Salvage operations are not just about recovering what’s left; it’s about turning wreckage into wealth. D.R.U.I.D.S possesses the expertise to transform what may seem lost into valuable assets, recovering, refurbishing, and recycling with the utmost precision.

III. Teamwork and Safety

D.R.U.I.D.S understands that while efficiency is paramount, teamwork and safety are non-negotiable. We thrive on collaboration and effective communication. Our teams of two are designed to enhance safety and ensure that no member is ever alone in the void of space. Safety is the foundation upon which we build efficiency and excellence.

IV. The Pursuit of Efficiency

Our mantra, “Cut corners, cut fuel lines, get there first,” epitomizes our relentless pursuit of efficiency. We don’t take shortcuts that compromise safety, but we do optimize every aspect of our operations to be the first to reach the destination and provide the highest level of service.

V. Conclusion

D.R.U.I.D.S is more than a company; it’s a community of like-minded pilots driven by the principles of Delivery, Retrieval, Utility, Intel, Defense, and Salvage. Our manifesto serves as a reminder of our dedication to excellence, efficiency, and the relentless pursuit of our clients’ objectives. We invite all who share our values to join us on this journey, where innovation, camaraderie, and the spirit of adventure unite under one banner – D.R.U.I.D.S.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.