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Roberts Space Industries ®

Deep Space Mining Initiative / DSMI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Exploration

“You don’t work for DSMI. DSMI works for you.” – Jack Cullard


Deep Space Mining Initiative (DSMI) was founded by Jack Cullard in 2949 as an initiative to prepare miners for Star Citizen’s dynamic economic simulation. Cullard, a backer since 2947, has followed Star Citizen development since it was publicly announced on Kickstarter. Since 2947, Cullard has contributed several hundred dollars each year, which has resulted in the acquisition of a small but effective mining fleet. While DSMI is a fairly new and small organization, Cullard has real-life business acumen and the ability to take DSMI all the way to the top. His ambitious plans include utilizing his home production studio for the development of a website and Youtube channel featuring informative, high quality, no-nonsense content.

While the mining profession in Star Citizen is still in conception, Cullard predicts several important trends based on CIG design notes and planned features for the Star Citizen economy. Unlike most MMOs where mineable resources respawn, resources in Star Citizen will be finite. While most MMOs allow players to “start over” by transferring to another server, CIG plans to have many servers mesh to represent ONE single Persistent Universe (PU). CIG also plans to release the PU with 5-10 systems, while adding new systems in additional updates. These unique design decisions will likely incentivize players into exploring every nook and cranny of uncharted territory, while simultaneously gobbling up valuable resources in a frenzy of land claims. As resources become harder to find, miners may be forced to extract the “crumbs” from previous mining activity, or search relentlessly for resource-rich pockets in fringe space.

Cullard also foresees that mining will become a profession that is largely dependent upon the cumulative expertise of multiple professions. For example, miners will need to be proficient at exploration in order to locate resources that are suitable for mining. They will need to refine in order to reduce the amount of inert materials in the field. Miners will also need to be adept at trading their refined materials. To put it succinctly, miners must take a multi-disciplinary approach in order to maximize their productivity and profit margins. Newcomers will be frustrated by the multiple barriers to profitable mining and see the profession as a boring, tedious grind.

Although worst-case-scenarios rarely present themselves, Cullard plans to take the initiative through DSMI’s org activity. Through DSMI, members will: (1) train in a multi-disciplinary fashion, (2) assemble self-sufficient expeditionary fleets capable of long-range mining operations, (3) develop a PMC branch for escort purposes, (4) utilize land-claims to sequester profitable resources in UEE space, and (5) develop a network of outposts to project DSMI’s mining operations into the furthest reaches of space.

While large, corporate-based organizations impose fees and excessive rules on it’s members, DSMI was organized to facilitate cooperative, joint venture. This means that members have minimal financial obligations to the org itself, to the extent that the game allows. Members do not work for DSMI. Instead, DSMI is an organizational entity that works for the shared financial interest of it’s members. It does so by providing an educational, social, and organizational framework that reduces barriers to profitable mining while supporting multi-crew, group mining activity. This includes the minimization of micromanagement where possible to promote a spirit of enjoyment and freedom during game play.


DSMI’s vision and mission are simple. DSMI’s vision is to become an org-leader in the professions of mining and exploration through comprehensive training and skillful coordination. DSMI’s mission is to help it’s members “strike it rich” through high-stakes exploration and exploitation of deep space frontier — to discover, to extract, and to sell valuable and coveted resources to the highest bidder in the UEE.

In order to accomplish this mission, DSMI selectively recruits civilians of UEE space. Recruits that successfully pass initial screening undergo extensive training to prepare for the rigors and dangers of deep space mining and exploration. In addition, DSMI hosts regular multi-crew events which are primarily organized into self-sufficient, deep space expeditions.

DSMI’s group culture is shaped by it’s core values, which are summed by the acronym STAR (Support, Teamwork, Accountability, and Respect). To DSMI, support is the act of providing assistance to others in need. Teamwork is the ability to work cooperatively with others in a team. Accountability is the ownership of mistakes. Respect means to treat others the way you want to be treated. When DSMI members collectively strive toward these values, the successes of the organization and it’s long-range operations substantially increase.

Due to the nature of DSMI’s mission, recruits are trained in a multi-disciplinary fashion. As a result of DSMI training, each recruit will gain knowledge and skills in first aid, planetary and zero-g survival, flight training, combat training, mining, refining, geology, biology, xenology, criminology, economics, trade, scanning, navigation, cartography, engineering, transportation, logistics, repairing, salvaging, and fleet tactics. After basic training, our recruits must pass initial examination before they are able to participate in DSMI-sponsored expeditionary events. Our members continue to rise through the ranks by undergoing specialized training, participating in official org events, and by giving back to the organization.

If you are serious about mining and exploration, and DSMI sounds like a fit for you, we encourage you to submit an application. Our recruiters will attempt to reach out to you in a timely fashion. See you in the verse!


All members of DSMI must abide by the DSMI code of conduct:

1. Aggressive behavior towards other members to include verbal abuse, threats, yelling, and team killing will not be tolerated.

2. No stealing, hoarding of shared resources, leeching, dishonesty, or acts of sabotage against the organization or it’s members.

3. Players are not allowed to operate outside of the parameters of the mission (i.e., players must be task-oriented and not act uncharacteristically of their assigned role during field training and expeditions).

4. Clear and/or repeated violations of the DSMI code of conduct will result in a temporary or permanent ban.

Loot Policy:

DMSI sponsored expeditions are multi-crew events, created with the intent to exclusively utilize multi-crew ships to maximize profit. All participants of these expeditions must be bound by verbal and/or in-game contracts to ensure fair and equal distribution of the quarry. The percentage of the share for each participant must be included in the agreement. Members that lend their personal ships should generally receive a higher share (e.g., a 4-12 percent increase depending on overhead) to cover damage, degradation, fuel, food, munitions, insurance, and other costs. Members are NOT expected to relinquish anything acquired through FPS mining and extraction, which is performed on a first-come-first-served basis.


All DSMI members are expected to maintain complete confidentiality. The sharing of internal DSMI information with non-DSMI members, affiliates, and guests is strictly prohibited. Such information includes DSMI maps, the location of current DSMI exploits, and the the location of DSMI outposts. In addition, participants of a DSMI led expedition are expected to maintain operational secrecy to ensure the security of the expedition and it’s members. This means that any information about an expedition are not to be shared with anyone external to the expedition.


All members are expected to be actively involved with DSMI, it’s members, and it’s activities. Any members may be removed from the organization after six months of consecutive inactivity.


All rules are subject to change. DSMI reserves the right to remove any members, at any time, for any reason.