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Roberts Space Industries ®

Farsight Intergalactic / FARSIGHT

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Mission statement: To search the farthest edges of space and capitalize on the wonders of the universe


Since before recorded history, Man has reached farther and farther into the unknown in search for other unknowns. Beyond any other species, humans have desired to look, to discover and to go further still. Our great ancestors drove themselves to higher peaks of discovery, and used what they discovered to reach ever higher.

At Farsight Intergalactic, we claim the birthright of humankind as our history. We are driven to reach the highest, go the farthest, and share the fruits of discovery that the universe has to offer.

Our history, is your history.


We are explorers and collectors

Members of Farsight Intergalactic will explore any area of space deemed significant in search of anything, exotic or mundane, that may benefit the corporation and the individual. Any unusual findings will be reported to the board of directors as soon as possible, after a claim is secured on the resource.

We defend our own

The universe holds wonders and dangers. Any member of Farsight Intergalactic finding him or herself in peril will be assisted as swiftly as possible by all other members until he or she is out of immediate danger, or until it is deemed that sufficient numbers have reached the area. If life is on the line, all members of Farsight Intergalactic will forgo any and all activities until the situation is resolved, including salvage and mining operations, trades and leisure time.

We do not attack

We are not pirates, militia, mercenaries or bounty hunters. All disputes will be resolved non-violently if possible. Military (and other) training and practice is encouraged for the purpose of defense and protection. Deadly or violent encounters are permissible in cases of defense of self, fleet, or resource.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.