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Roberts Space Industries ®

Feckless Espial / FECKS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

Feckless – careless; irresponsible
Espial – the act of watching or observing; a taking notice of something; a discovery

We’re an org based on exploration, data, and science. We don’t take ourselves too seriously. We have fun. We live out our space fantasy. And make shenanigans.


Three groups of weary, ragtag adventurers, all at the end of their ropes, meet by chance and together form a crew of different goals: Discovery. Science. Shenanigans. Information. Profit. Shenanigans. (Maybe even some thievery.)

You said shenanigans twice.

I like shenanigans.

Aboard a derelict Discovery-class Endeavor, the Furbi Paradox, these would-be claimers come together, all with different ideas in mind for the ship.

One meant to claim the ship for salvage. Of course they couldn’t salvage it themselves, that required expensive equipment they simply did not have, but the ship was worth a lot of money to someone. They had a ragged SRV and by golly they intended to make some credits with it.

The next party were entrepreneurs and tinkerers who intended to retrofit the ship and use it for their dream of founding an engineering company (and play with a feckin’ supercollider, how awesome is that!). They had plans to revolutionize the ship component market. They were full of ideas, but until now, had no way to put them into practice. Luck dropped this ship in their laps. Just… Be mindful of the short one. She’s brilliant, but accident-prone like you wouldn’t believe.

Finally, a group of explorers, dreamers, and, how shall we say it, free spirited adventurers? Items tended to disappear when these guys were around, so hold on to your mobiGlas. At heart this group were pathfinders, explorers, they loved nothing more than to fly through jump points, map out where they went, even race through them. Where were you going to come out? Well, that’s half the fun right there. If you’re lucky, you get to map out something new, and maybe even find something worth a bit of credits. Aaaand I’ll take this suit of armor someone left in that box… It’s amazing what people just leave laying around.

These were not violent people, heck most of them didn’t even own weapons. Space ships are expensive to run, just think of the fuel costs! So they talked. The Furbi Paradox was large and they were not so many, there was plenty of room. Why couldn’t this work for everyone? An agreement was made and the challenge of making the ship space-worthy began. This was not an easy thing, there were difficulties, squabbles, accidents, ups and downs. Friendships were made and heads were butted. Through it all, they managed to make it work. Over the course of months they labored, and the ship was finally made ready again. She could fly.

Sort of. It did move, but not much else.

Their journey began.

Shenanigans ensued.

I told you I liked shenanigans.

Welcome to Feckless Espial.


Firefly. Star Trek. Stargate. Dark Matter. Lost in Space. The Expanse. Battlestar Galactica. Earth 2. Lexx. Farscape. Dune. Andromeda. And so many more.

Feckless Espial is a tongue and cheek name to describe what we’re about, and to let it be known that we do not take ourselves all that seriously. FECKS was born out of a dream to live out the sci-fi fantasy, to imagine yourself in a favorite space show, to put yourself in the place of a favorite character. Whether you’re a Spock, a Malcom Reynolds, a William Adama, a Starbuck, a Stanley H. Tweedle, a Neelix, an Android, or an alien, there is a place for you here. You can even be a Jar Jar if you want, but please be warned that you may have to deal with the repercussions that come with that. We’re a “To boldly go where no man has gone before” while also an “I aim to misbehave” org. As a whole we are “chaotic good”, doing what we have to do advance the organization’s interests, to help our members, or to help hapless others we chance upon. If that means bending the rules a little, sometimes even breaking a few, so be it. But never blatantly or overtly. At the core we are the good guys. Be the good guys. Sometimes that means getting your hands a little dirty.

The focus of the org will be of exploration, pathfinding, science, data, engineering, and whatever else falls within the purview of those. While those are the main focus, all gameplay loops are welcome, and will be necessary when things are said and done. We are not, however, a PvP or piracy org. While we may dabble in the darker side, acting as spies, hacking, gathering intel on a bounty or fleet movements (information is information after all, if it has value, we’ll gather and sell it), maybe even steal a shiny or two, these things will be done behind the scenes, and never with the intention of actively engaging other players unless absolutely necessary. If it comes to it, we will have each other’s backs.

As most of the gameplay loops the org will focus on are not in the game yet, divisions and hierarchy will form down the road once we see exactly how those loops will work. In the meantime, we ask that you respect the lead and officers of the org. Crew will follow the captain of the ship they are part of, and that captain will follow the views and rules of the org at all times. Remember, be the good guys.

We do not expect you to no-life the game. That is not a reasonable expectation during the alpha stage, and neither is it later when the game is released. People need breaks, and that’s fine. Encouraged even. We also understand that real life happens. Do what you have to do, come back when you can or want to. You’ll always have a place with us.


The ultimate goal of the organization is to be accepting to everyone, to have a fun environment with zero drama. (Made up, roleplaying drama is fine, so long as it doesn’t get out of hand.)

There is one rule. Be a good person. Or android. Or alien. Whatever you are. Be decent to your crewmates and org members. Be decent to other players. Specific rules shouldn’t have to be outlined, but they will if problems arise. Use “common sense”, and be kind to those around you.

Ok, one more rule. Zero politics. This goes for mainstream politics as well as personal politics. There is no place for these things in a gaming community, we’re here to play a game and have fun. Real world issues have no place in our escapism.

Alright, alright, one more rule. No game/CIG bashing. We aren’t white knights, but we also have no tolerance for the oh-so prevalent mindless whining and complaining about the state of the alpha, or the work CIG is doing. Making a game is hard. Making a game of this scale is incredibly hard. It takes a long time. It is not finished, and we know there will be problems along the way. Deal with it, or move along. If you’re going to complain, think about what you were going to say, and I mean really think about it, and maybe take a break. It’s fine if you need to, an alpha state game is not meant to be played all the time. Go cool off, play another game, go fishing, or whatever. We’ll still be here when you’re ready to come back.

Ok ok fine, rule three. And this is it, I’m putting my foot down. Acts of unwarranted hostility towards other players are strictly forbidden. That includes piracy, murder, griefing, attacking unprovoked, or anything else along those lines. You can defend yourself, but never be the aggressor. That isn’t who we are. If you are caught, you will be immediately removed from the organization. Zero tolerance.