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Roberts Space Industries ®

Freakazoid Abyss Corporation / FREAKAZOID

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Freakazoid Abyss Corporation

Join us on the frontier of opportunity and adventure! As a new force in Star Citizen, we embrace freedom and bold ventures. Dare to define our future in the stars.


Welcome to the Freakazoid Abyss Corporation—a brand-new entity in the universe of Star Citizen. As a newly formed corporation, we are not burdened by past legacies or traditional constraints. Our history begins now, and it begins with you.

Founded on the principles of freedom, adventure, and the relentless pursuit of wealth, Freakazoid Abyss Corporation stands ready to carve out its own path in the cosmos. We offer a blank canvas to every member who joins us, an opportunity to be part of the founding story that will one day echo through the stars.

With no predetermined history, our future is an open book. Every trade route discovered, every deal brokered, and every mission completed writes a page in our saga. We believe in defining our destiny collectively, leveraging the talents and ambitions of our members to shape a future that is not only profitable but also legendary.

As we chart our course forward, we invite you to join us. Together, we will explore the unknown, seize new opportunities, and create a history that is uniquely ours—defined not by where we have been, but by where we will go.

Join us and be part of history in the making.


Who We Are:
We are the adventurers, the trailblazers, the mavericks. Freakazoid Abyss Corporation isn’t just another entity in the universe of Star Citizen; we are a movement. Founded on the principles of freedom and audacity, we are driven by the desire to explore, expand, and excel. Our ambition? To carve out a domain where we dictate the rules and define the stakes.

What We Believe:

Freedom in the Cosmos: The universe is vast and filled with opportunities. We believe in the freedom to explore every corner, trade with every entity, and take on missions that others might shy away from.
Prosperity Through Initiative: Wealth isn’t given; it’s made. We chase prosperity through bold initiatives and shrewd dealings. Our success is built on the risks we take and the deals we make.
Strength in Community: While individual brilliance is celebrated, it’s the collective effort that makes us formidable. We are a community that supports, teaches, and grows together, always striving for the greater good of our members.
Our Mission:
To redefine what it means to be a corporation in Star Citizen. We aren’t here to follow paths; we’re here to create them. Each voyage and venture is more than a mission; it’s a step towards establishing a legacy. Our actions are bold, our transactions are sharp, and our sights are set on horizons yet unseen.

Our Pledge:

To our members, we promise a haven of opportunity and a bastion of camaraderie.
To our allies, we offer loyalty and the promise of mutual prosperity.
To the universe, we declare our intent to be a force of innovation and a beacon of adventure.
Join Us:
If you resonate with our creed, if the pulse of adventure beats in your veins, Freakazoid Abyss Corporation is calling. Join us in the abyss where the only limit is the reach of our ambition. Together, we will shape the tapestry of space, not just to make a mark, but to make a difference.

Embrace the abyss. Shape the future. Forge our destiny.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.