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Roberts Space Industries ®

Greystone Society / GREYORG

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to the Greystone Society – a society of explorers and merchants!


The Greystone Society was created in 2944 as a response to ever more uncertain and violent times. It is a loosely formed association of merchants and explorers, pooling resources to be able to achieve far more together than any member could on his or her own.

The Greystone Society can be seen as a privately funded spiritual successor to the Royal Geographical Society.


This is the manifesto of the Greystone Society.

  1. Exploration is a noble undertaking, furthering the understanding of the human place in the universe. The Greystone Society is primarily a League of Explorers, keeping each other safe in the noble act of exploration in a volatile universe.
  2. Trade is a basic pillar of society, and the road to prosperity for all. Not to mention a great way to finance more exploration. Trade is thus the second pillar of the society.
  3. The Greystone Society respects the basic humanist values of the Amsterdam Declaration of 2002.
  4. One for all, all for one.


  1. You are free to do whatever you want, as long as it does not infringe on anyone elses freedoms.
  2. There will be NO discrimination. All members shall be treated equal no matter the sex, color, sexual orientation, cybernetic implants or any other inconsequential attribute.
  3. No dogma.
  4. All members form an alliance. All for one, one for all.