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Roberts Space Industries ®

New Lunar Republic Space Corps / NLRSF

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Resources

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NLRSF Application – Please Standby. . .

Log downloaded to PDA. Please fill out all fields for application into the Lunar Empire’s Space Corps.

The Night shall forever, remain Eternal.
Invictus Noctus.


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Log Selection: NLR_History

The fall of the Sun, leading the realm into Eternal Night… Nothing more blissful than standing atop the fields of victory, watching as the light fades evermore. Luna herself wishes to see us conquer more than just our realm, but she endeavors to do with as little violence as possible. No more bloodshed need be spilt in pursuit of conquering a world. Diplomacy, moreso, rather. We began as a small salvage company, but the Princess wishes for more, so we have adapted with suits and the like to camouflage our true appearances, and now partake in what the humans in this Stanton system call ‘Bounty Hunting’. Rules of Engagement apply at all times, so we can’t just engage every human as we see fit, though I’m sure there are those out there who would try. Salvage ships to bring metal and valuable resources to the stations, building our name and purpose as a sovereign conglomerate, end those who threaten the very things we stand for. Peace, through violent action, must be attained.

— 1LT Sapphire, Scarlett

Noctus Company X-1

System Record Sender: NLRSF PDA Record 928. . .

System Date: C O R R U P T E D



Accessing file. . .

NLRSF Operations.

Salvage, and hunt, in a way that is friendly and non-argumentative towards others. The Elements may be gone… But harmony can still prevail under the Moon’s eternal night.

Communicate effectively with:
Medical Crews
Salvage Crews
Fighter Squadrons
Other Fleet Assets

Their mission, is our mission.

End PDA Log. . . Mandate Order 001A

Execute Authority. . . 1LT Sapphire, Scarlett


Operational Policies:

1 – No Free-fire on non-hostile parties.
2 – Stick together. More guns, or more storage, means more payout and more survivability.
3 – Don’t disrespect, nor bash, on your friendly forces. They are here to help, and may not be as inclined to do so if you continually distrust them.
4 – Keep a respectful demeanor to all outside forces, unless hostile ships/personnel are present and engaging.
5 – Split any, and all, profits equally among those whom have joined your party, or squad.