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Roberts Space Industries ®

Omniversal Multidimensional Navigation Institution / OMNIVERSAL

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Welcome, Citizens.
This Org was founded by a few good friends who decided to face the challenges of space-faring together. Unified by their curious and adventurous sprits, they set out to explore the omniverse to uncover its secrets and seize the opportunities that present themselves along the way.


O.M.N.I. was founded in 2942 by Sigmus Excelsion, Predesco Diamantes Nirrano and Juha B., three friends who shared the goal of exploring the world they inhabited together. While all of them were free spirits who took many job opportunities on their own, cooperative undertakings were always the kind of work they enjoyed the most. As their ambitions grew beyond the world they inhabited, they wanted to ensure that they wouldn’t have to rely on hired personnel too much when undertaking larger operations and so they decided to build an institution with a creed that reflects their shared ambition for exploring the multiverse but also emphasizes the fact that beyond that, all other legal forms of work are welcome as well. With a philosophy like that, they were hoping to draw in like-minded free spirits that enjoy occassional or even frequent group undertakings and share their interest to discover the unknown.


The institution’s primary purpose is to provide its members access to group undertakings that cannot be handled by a single person or small group alone as well as granting mutual protection – strength in numbers, power through unitiy, things like that. To achieve that, the institution is regularly recruiting new members – expanding the circle of friends, as we like to call it. Good personal relations between all members are a must for us and thus, the institution’s trial period for applicants is quite long as we want to make sure that each new person fits in with the rest of the group and is trustworthy beyond any doubt, as that is the only foundation upon which real and lasting friendships can be built.


All members of O.M.N.I. are required to keep all interactions civil. Respectful and polite demeanor is paramount. Of course arguments can happen, but they must not escalate. If any member feels that one is about to, the matter is to be brought to the council of elders, consisting of the founders and selected senior members, who will listen to the parties involved, establish and discuss possible solutions and present those to the parties involved who are then invited to contribute to the discussion. If the argument is still not resolved during these talks, the council will declare the negotiations as failed and will then decide upon one solution without involving the arguing parties again and present them with a binding final decision.

The institution respects all sorts of freelancing side-activities of its members as long as these are conforming with UEE law. Any member caught partaking in clearly illegal activities will have to face the council of elders and explain his/her actions. If said member is able to convice the council beyond any doubt that he/she was either framed, an unintentional accessory (e.g. being hired as a crewmember on a ship that seemed legit but then engaged in pirate activity) or that the illegal action was a genuine accident (e.g. harm caused by friendly fire) the institution will provide all legal help it can muster to clear the member’s name. If found guilty, though, the person’s membership will be terminated to preserve the institution’s reputation. Only if the person voiced honest regret for the illegal activities and is deemed trustworthy enough, he/she might re-apply for membership after the his/her criminal status has been lifted by the UEE, otherwise a lifetime ban will be imposed upon him/her.