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Roberts Space Industries ®

Outer Planet Association / OTPA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Outer Planets Association is a community dedicated to bringing together Star Citizen players of all skill levels.

OPA is a legitimate Independent Organization, If you feel you may be a good fit here within our community. Please use the discord link Below.


The Outer Planets Association (OPA)

is a loosely affiliated network borrowing or associating under a core common ideology. It started its life as a labor union or advocacy group, fighting for the interests of inhabitants of the Belt and was often in direct conflict with the inner planets’ Earth-Mars Coalition Navy. Its logo is a split circle and distinct factions have cells based at every station in the Belt including two major sites Tycho Station and Ceres Station.

The OPA is described as either a sociopolitical movement, according to people sympathizing with Belters, or a terrorist network, according to the inner planets. Because of its decentralized structure and the range of activities by groups claiming affiliation, both descriptions have more than a little basis in fact. The statement that it’s decentralized negates the assertion that it has a headquarters.

OPA Free Navy
The OPA Navy was an attempt by the Tycho Station OPA and Anderson Dawes’ OPA as the most legitimate factions of the OPA to create a navy. Before a navy was established the independently owned gunship Rocinante was hired for anti-piracy missions. Ships operated as a part of this navy are given the lettering OPAS before the ship name (Outer Planets Alliance Ship).

The Navy began with the commandeering of the adrift generation ship Nauvoo and converting it into the battleship Behemoth. After the Slow zone incident, the Behemoth was converted into Medina station.

Tycho station despite being a civilian shipyard was used to build several gunships for use as a part of the OPA Navy. Three of these ships were under construction shortly before the Free Navy Conflict and were described as large, bulky, and functional as well as shaped like a sledgehammer. These ships would be the first in a custom-built OPA Naval fleet that would form an armed defensive force.

At the beginning of the Free Navy Conflict these Tycho built ships were still being constructed leading to the Corvette-class frigate Rocinante being hired by Fred Johnson for the conflict. During this time an official OPA crew served onboard alongside the main crew of the Roci.


The Outer Planets Association strives for recognition as an Independent Nation. As well known, have little interest in politics outside of OPA interests. Furthermore is a Casual, active and very dedicated community to bringing enjoyment and friendship to the verse. Under a single banner of Unity! We provide sanctuary for all who seek it, a common place amongst family & friends. With a very helpful staff we accept all levels of skill.

We aim to become a larger community with intentions to bring greatness to the OPA standing. With the help of like-minded, The Outer Planets Association wishes to provide content to the community for years to come!

Here you will find we have a very fundamental & rewarding ranking structure for those looking for an achievement progress tracker of sorts. With giveaways, public community events, Awards, achievements & much more to immerse yourself within the community!


1.Please make sure your discord name matches your name in Star Citizen. It makes grouping that much easier.

2.Show Respect to everyone!

-Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing here or in the verse.
-No hate speech.
-Every org member is valuable.
-No Grief to fellow org members or other citizens, we wish to grow and be a respected part of the community.
-Show the Org and Discord Leadership respect, they’re here for you and volunteering their time.
-Show respect to all Allied Orgs and their members.
-Be respectful of world current events. You may discuss them but please think about what you say as it may offend someone else.
-Remember that this is a game. Support each other in here and out in the ‘verse.

3.The Outer Planets Association is an 18+ org. Though we will accept 18- if maturity level is high!

4.Post things in the appropriate channels. (i.e. bot commands in bot channels. They will likely be moved or deleted otherwise)

5.No politics. Just leave it at the door.

6.If you have a question or problem ask one of the Org Leadership for help if you can’t solve it.

7.This Org runs on a “three strike” concept for severe rule violations. Members who violate the rules will receive:
-A first warning to stop and an explanation of the rule violated.
-A second warning to stop if the rules are violated again.
-A permanent ban for a third rules violation.
-Warnings will be issued via private call or private message and will include the rule that was violated.
-Warnings can be appealed if the member feels like the rule was not applied correctly, but will stand unless overturned.
-Public discussion of warnings and banned members is not allowed.
-Some actions addressed in other rules will result in an instant banning rather than a warning.