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Roberts Space Industries ®

The Pariah Visionary / PVU

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

United under one cause-Subjugation, Inequality, Solitude

One humanity no justice


To be deemed “Pariah” is to be outcast, but there can always be kinship with those who share your title.

Our brotherhood represents an opportunity to make your mark in the universe against those who seek to suppress your potential and hunt you down for a inadequate amount of UEC. You will stand against those who lack the vision to gain great fortune and profit from their downfall, taking what is rightfully yours. Natural order sees humanity to indulge in their desires, yet the UEE would oppress this and they would oppress you. To bow before them is a sign of weakness and the mark of a coward, they become prey to the ones that show true vision. We seek the value within you and would see that you earn you fair share so long you devote to our cause.

Those among us shall embark on our crusade across the known and unknown universe aboard the following large scale ships:
  • Drake Kraken Privateer
  • Banu Merchantman
  • Anvil Carrack


Our duty as a brotherhood is to take all we can and give only misery in return, join the cause and spread anguish and torment throughout the systems. Fun activities to join in with:
  • Pillaging
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling
  • hijacking
  • Boarding
  • Land claiming
  • Salvage

Not everyone’s cut out to be a crook, so we only want the finest.


All actions have a equal reaction, betray us and face the consequences.
  • Don’t be a clown
    *Have fun
  • Don’t be offensive OOC