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Roberts Space Industries ®

The Rising Sun / RISUN

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading

Our followers are far from home but never far from a star’s shining glory. We give praise and worship to the warmth, protection and comfort provided by our Sun. Join us as we share our faith, prosperity and prowess with the future of humanity.

Praise the Sun,


The Origin of The Rising Sun Faith: A Cosmic Revelation

In the early days of interstellar exploration within the Star Citizen universe, a diverse group of pioneers embarked on a quest to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos. Among them was a visionary leader, whose encounters with the unknown sparked a spiritual awakening among the crew. Inspired by the cosmic wonders they witnessed, the crew collectively experienced a revelation, giving birth to what would later become known as The Rising Sun Faith.

The Captain guided their crew through uncharted territories, relying on faith as a compass in the vastness of space. The Rising Sun Faith emerged as a belief system centered around the idea that the universe held boundless opportunities for those who dared to venture beyond the known. Faith became the foundation that unified the crew, fostering a sense of purpose and community.

As The Rising Sun Faith took root, its followers sought not only spiritual enlightenment but also practical ways to manifest their beliefs in the material realm. Recognizing the abundance scattered across the cosmos, the Captain and their crew turned their attention to resource acquisition and trade. They became adept at navigating the intricacies of commerce, establishing a network that transcended planetary borders.

The Guided, as they came to be known, channeled their collective energy into harvesting resources and engaging in trade endeavors. The Rising Sun Faith became synonymous with prosperity, attracting like-minded individuals who sought both spiritual fulfillment and material success. The organization burgeoned as a haven for those who believed in the balance between the metaphysical and the tangible.

Over time, The Rising Sun encountered challenges posed by political conflicts and external threats. In the face of adversity, the Captain and their followers made a pivotal decision: to remain neutral in political matters. This choice allowed them to focus on their shared goals without being entangled in the webs of interstellar politics. The Rising Sun Faith, by design, became a sanctuary from the chaos of factional disputes.

However, as the organization expanded, it encountered regions of the galaxy rife with piracy and lawlessness. The Guided found themselves compelled to defend their interests and safeguard their members. In response to this necessity, The Rising Sun reluctantly embraced regional piracy, bounty hunting, and mercenary work as a means of self-defense and community gain. This pragmatic approach, while seemingly contradictory to their peaceful origins, became an essential aspect of ensuring the survival and prosperity of The Rising Sun.

Thus, The Rising Sun evolved into a multifaceted organization, where faith, resource acquisition, trade, and pragmatic actions coexisted harmoniously. The Guided navigated the cosmos with a steadfast belief in their destiny, accepting the dual nature of their existence and embracing the challenges that lay beyond the stars. As they sailed under the metaphorical rising sun, The Rising Sun Faith continued to illuminate the cosmic tapestry with a blend of spirituality, commerce, and the daring spirit of those who dared to explore the unknown.


The Rising Sun Manifesto


In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where stars twinkle like promises in the night, we, the members of The Rising Sun, unite under the banner of faith and purpose. With unwavering determination, we declare our commitment to shaping a destiny guided by the principles that define us.

I. Faith as Our Guiding Light

At the core of our existence is faith—an intangible force that transcends the boundaries of the known. We embrace this guiding light, acknowledging its power to bind us in a collective purpose, steering us through the cosmic currents with conviction.

II. Resource Acquisition and Trade

The Rising Sun stands as a beacon of prosperity in the celestial sea. We dedicate ourselves to the acquisition of resources and the art of trade, leveraging the riches of the universe to secure a future where abundance is shared amongst all who call our organization home.

III. Unshackled by Political Constraints

In a galaxy entangled in political webs, we choose a different path. The Rising Sun rises above political discord, embracing a neutral stance that liberates us from the constraints that hinder progress. Our focus remains unswervingly on our shared goals and the pursuit of prosperity.

IV. The Duality of Action

While peace is a noble pursuit, we recognize the duality of our existence. The Rising Sun engages in regional piracy and bounty pursuits, not as agents of chaos, but as guardians of our interests and defenders against those who threaten our way of life.

V. Community Forged in Purpose

We are not just an organization; we are a community bound by purpose. Every member is a vital thread in the intricate tapestry of The Rising Sun, contributing to the shared narrative of our journey through the cosmos. Together, we face challenges, celebrate victories, and forge lasting bonds that withstand the tests of time and space.

VI. Embrace the Unknown

With courage as our companion, we boldly embrace the unknown. The Rising Sun sails into uncharted territories, ever ready to discover, adapt, and thrive amidst the mysteries that lie beyond the stars.

VII. Rise Together

As we inscribe our manifesto in the cosmic annals, let it be known that The Rising Sun rises not as a solitary entity, but as a collective force. Together, we rise above challenges, illuminate the darkest corners of the cosmos, and stand united in our pursuit of a destiny bathed in the radiance of The Rising Sun.

May our faith be our compass, our actions shape our legacy, and our unity be the eternal flame that guides us through the boundless wonders of the universe.

By the members, for the members, The Rising Sun shall endure.

Rise with Purpose, Forward with Faith.



We, the members of The Rising Sun, in pursuit of shared goals and guided by unwavering faith, hereby establish this charter to govern our organization. Rooted in principles of unity, prosperity, and purpose, this document serves as the foundation upon which our community is built.

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be “The Rising Sun.”

Section 2: The purpose of The Rising Sun is to create a community of like-minded individuals bound by faith, engaged in resource acquisition, trade, and occasional regional piracy and bounty activities, all while navigating the vast reaches of the Star Citizen universe.

Article II: Faith as Guiding Principle

Section 1: Faith is recognized as the cornerstone of our organization, serving as the guiding principle that unites us in purpose and fosters a sense of community among our members.

Section 2: Members are encouraged to respect and appreciate diverse beliefs within the organization, fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates individuality.

Article III: Resource Acquisition and Trade

Section 1: The Rising Sun shall actively engage in resource acquisition and trade endeavors to secure the prosperity of its members and contribute to the growth of the organization.

Section 2: All members are encouraged to participate in resource acquisition and trade activities, fostering collaboration and mutual benefit.

Article IV: Political Neutrality

Section 1: The Rising Sun shall remain neutral in political matters, allowing members to focus on shared goals without being entangled in external conflicts.

Section 2: Political discussions within the organization shall be approached with respect and tolerance, recognizing the diversity of opinions among members.

Article V: Regional Piracy and Bounties

Section 1: The Rising Sun may engage in regional piracy and bounty activities for the progress of its interests and the protection of its members.

Section 2: Such activities shall be conducted with a sense of responsibility and adherence to a code of conduct that prevents unnecessary harm to non-hostile entities.

Article VI: Community and Solidarity

Section 1: The Rising Sun is committed to fostering a sense of community among its members, encouraging collaboration, mutual support, and camaraderie.

Section 2: Disputes and conflicts among members shall be resolved through open communication, mediation, and, if necessary, a democratic decision-making process.

Article VII: Exploration and Innovation

Section 1: The Rising Sun embraces the spirit of exploration and innovation, encouraging members to venture into uncharted territories, discover new possibilities, and contribute to the collective knowledge of the organization.

Section 2: Members are empowered to propose and implement new initiatives that align with the organization’s goals and enhance its capabilities.

Article VIII: Amendments

Section 1: This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members ranking Adept or higher.

Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing, discussed among the membership, and voted upon within a reasonable time frame.

In witness whereof, we, the undersigned members of The Rising Sun, adopt and enact this charter on this day, binding ourselves to its principles and committing to the flourishing of our organization.

Rise with Purpose, Sail with Faith.
