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Roberts Space Industries ®

Southern Cross incorporated / SCINCORP

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Security

Welcome to Southern Cross Incorporated; a versatile, multi-role organisation. Explore, trade, mine, and conquer the cosmos with our close-knit community. Join us today!


Southern Cross Introverts (or Southern Cross Incorporated within Star Citizen) are a small, Oceanic, English speaking community of close-knit gamers originally formed in 2018.

At Southern Cross Incorporated (SCI), we believe that every journey begins with a single step, and every star in the sky represents a new opportunity. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot, a cunning trader, a fearless explorer, or a resourceful miner, our organization provides the framework and support you need to thrive in this ever-expanding frontier.

Our mission is simple: to unite the diverse talents and ambitions of our members under the banner of SCI, forging bonds as strong as the constellations that light our path. Join us in our quest for riches, discovery, and excitement, as we chart the stars and make our mark on the universe.

No matter your role, background, or experience level, Southern Cross Incorporated welcomes you to become part of our family and shape the destiny of the stars. Together, we’ll reach new heights and make the galaxy our own.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.