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Roberts Space Industries ®

Space Derp Explorers / SDERPE

  • Faith
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  • Exploration
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If you came here, be prerpared to crash on a distant unexplored hostile planet and be eaten by strange alien worms or wathever …. Derp(y) is our way of making .


In a distant space, in a ship abandoned a long time ago by his pilot , a small crew wake up ….. A problem has occured and their stase bed has erased their memories. They began to explore the ship, and the only thing which they found was a Message from somepony …. er…. somebody named Derpy , this message said : Derp and you will find the sacred muffin


Our esteemed master Derpy have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Yes we fail ! it is our destiny ! But the univers must know that it is not because you are a failure that you cannot do something great sometimes


Derp , Derp, and do more Derp , but only for a delicious holy muffin artifact