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Roberts Space Industries ®

Squadron of Liberty / SQLIBERTY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Independent pilot association.

Hunting slavers without fear.


In the early days of the discovery of the easy space travel, lots of bandits saw their chance to settle down in the ‘verse where nobody could tell them what to do and they could define their own rules.

In the early time this hasn’t been a problem for most of us at all. But then those bandits started to expand and some of them started human trafficking. This was the time we decided this had to change. We hated to see the freedoom of man and women being ignored, and we were disguisted by those slavers. So two people with the same opinion on this united with each other and founded the Squadron of Liberty.

In this Organization, free men and women live together under one banner. They are all agree about the fact that everybody should be free and able to do what he/she wants to. And we want to assure that nobodys freedom gets taken.

So our biggest enemys are slavers. People like that, who take others rightsand freedom, are dishonorable and should burn in hell; They are not worth having any rights at all. So we do everything to find and kill them, no matter the costs. We do this professionally. We do not want slaves to die in our attacks, neither do we want slavers to survive. We will hit fast, hard and have no mercy with those guys.

But our Organizataion works a bit different compared to how others work. In our Organization, everybody is free to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Nobody will ever get forced to do something. Somehow we are just a bunch of people with the same goal: Killing those dirty Slavers.

However, this does NOT mean we are just people having nothing to do with each other. Of course we will try to get a good financial and industrial backbone, and do stuff together. You just don’t have to participate. We do NOT want to be lone wolfes, we want to be like a wolf pack; We help each other and have a stable stand in the universe as bounty hunters, explorers, traders and so on…

So Join us today! Help fighting all those Slavers! And never, never have to fear about your freedom again!

We. Want. YOU.



Searching for a citizen who wants to help design our organization branding

We are independent men and women.

We do everything to prevent slavery and hunt slavers professionally.

Nobody can tell us what to do, but we always act assiduous.

Join us, and you’ll never feel choked or alone again.

-S.E.A.L, Founder

Ranks & Roles

Member: Be Part of the Organization for 7 Days
Freelancer: Be Part of the Organization for 31 Days & Recruit 1 Player
Captain: To be Done
Liberator: To be Done
Officer: To be Done

Roles will be applied on request.

Side Note: This part of the website is still Work in Progress. Read the history page for more info about us :)



- No Cheating/Spamming/Hacking in the final Game

- No use of strong language

- Be friendly and respectful to each other

- Never attack one of us – or we will ensure this will never happen again!

- Feel free to do what you want, but act assiduous

- Our main language is english, please keep that in mind

- Our Teamspeak IP is not official and for qualified members only


There May be new Rules, so check this out frequently!