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Roberts Space Industries ®

StarWreck Salvage Co. / SWSCO

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Engineering
  • Freelancing

StarWreck Salvage Co. is a leading space salvage company dedicated to exploring the cosmic frontier and recovering valuable resources. With cutting-edge technology and a skilled team of experts, we specialize in the retrieval, restoration, and repurposing of derelict spacecraft and wreckage.


StarWreck Salvage Co. has a rich and storied history that spans several decades. Founded by Orion Steele, a seasoned space adventurer, in the year 2953, the company began as a small team of daring salvagers with a single refurbished spacecraft.

From the outset, StarWreck Salvage Co. established a reputation for fearlessness, resourcefulness, and a relentless pursuit of valuable salvage. Orion Steele’s leadership and expertise in spacecraft engineering propelled the company’s success, allowing them to take on increasingly challenging salvage operations.

In the early years, the company focused primarily on salvaging abandoned or wrecked spacecraft, recovering valuable components, and refurbishing them for resale or repurposing. As their reputation grew, they expanded their operations to include asteroid mining, extracting rare minerals and resources from celestial bodies.

Throughout its history, StarWreck Salvage Co. faced numerous obstacles and dangers in their quest for salvage. They encountered treacherous asteroid fields, hostile environments, and even fierce competition from rival salvage organizations. Yet, their determination and ingenuity always prevailed, earning them a prominent place in the space salvage industry.

Over time, the company’s fleet of spacecraft grew, equipped with state-of-the-art salvage technology and manned by highly skilled salvagers from all corners of the galaxy. They built a network of partnerships and alliances with other spacefaring organizations, allowing them to tackle even larger salvage projects and explore uncharted regions of space.

StarWreck Salvage Co. became synonymous with excellence and integrity in the space salvage industry. Their commitment to safety, ethical salvage practices, and environmental responsibility set them apart from their competitors. They developed a loyal client base, ranging from private corporations to government agencies, relying on StarWreck Salvage Co.‘s expertise to recover lost assets and unlock the hidden value in space debris.

Today, StarWreck Salvage Co. stands as a prominent leader in the field of space salvage, with a legacy built on a foundation of adventure, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of cosmic treasures. Their history is one of remarkable achievements and remarkable salvagers, shaping the company into what it is today – an industry trailblazer in the cosmic frontier.


Exploration and Recovery: We are driven by an insatiable curiosity and a relentless desire to explore the cosmic frontier. We boldly venture into uncharted territories, recovering and salvaging the remnants of spacefaring vessels and celestial debris.

Resource Optimization: We believe in the transformative power of salvage. We meticulously extract and repurpose valuable resources, breathing new life into discarded remnants. Through our work, we promote sustainable practices and minimize waste in the vast expanse of space.

Innovation and Adaptability: We embrace the cutting edge of technology and constantly seek new methodologies to enhance our salvage operations. We adapt to the ever-evolving challenges of the cosmos, leveraging ingenuity to overcome obstacles and push the boundaries of what is possible.

Integrity and Professionalism: We operate with the highest standards of integrity, conducting our salvage operations ethically and responsibly. We maintain transparency, foster trust with our clients and partners, and uphold the utmost professionalism in all our interactions.

Safety and Preparedness: We prioritize the safety of our crew, clients, and the environment. Rigorous training, meticulous planning, and adherence to stringent safety protocols are ingrained in our operations. We take every precaution to ensure a secure and successful salvage endeavor.

Collaboration and Partnerships: We foster collaborations and partnerships within the space industry, working closely with like-minded organizations and individuals. By combining our strengths and expertise, we achieve collective success and advance the frontiers of space salvage together.

Legacy and Inspiration: We recognize the profound impact of our work and strive to leave a lasting legacy in the annals of space salvage. Through our accomplishments, we inspire future generations of explorers, salvagers, and innovators to reach for the stars and uncover the hidden wonders of the cosmos.

At StarWreck Salvage Co., we are committed to the noble pursuit of salvage, driven by a passion for discovery, a dedication to sustainability, and an unwavering belief in the limitless potential of the cosmic frontier. Together, we forge a new path among the stars, unraveling the mysteries of the past and forging a brighter future for all.


Charter of StarWreck Salvage Co.

We, the members of StarWreck Salvage Co., unite under this charter to establish the principles and guidelines that govern our organization. Committed to the pursuit of space salvage, we aim to conduct our operations with integrity, professionalism, and a steadfast commitment to excellence.

Article 1: Mission and Objectives
1.1 Mission: StarWreck Salvage Co. exists to explore, recover, and repurpose salvageable assets from space wreckage, abandoned spacecraft, and celestial debris.

1.2 Objectives:
a) To employ cutting-edge technology, expertise, and ingenuity in salvaging operations.
b) To maximize the recovery and utilization of salvageable resources, fostering sustainability and responsible practices.
c) To deliver superior services to clients, exceeding expectations in quality, efficiency, and professionalism.
d) To promote the advancement of space salvage through innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

Article 2: Ethical Standards
2.1 Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our operations, adhering to ethical principles and honest practices.

2.2 Environmental Responsibility: We are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment and implementing eco-friendly practices throughout our salvage operations.

2.3 Respect and Diversity: We value and respect the diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and contributions of all individuals involved in our organization, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.

Article 3: Safety and Risk Mitigation
3.1 Safety Measures: We prioritize the safety and well-being of our personnel, clients, and partners. We implement comprehensive safety protocols, provide adequate training, and maintain a culture of vigilance in all salvage operations.

3.2 Risk Assessment: We conduct thorough risk assessments before each operation, identifying potential hazards and developing mitigation strategies to ensure the safety and success of our salvage endeavors.

Article 4: Collaboration and Partnerships
4.1 Collaboration: We actively seek collaborations and partnerships with other organizations, experts, and innovators in the field of space salvage, recognizing the power of collective effort in advancing our industry.

4.2 Knowledge Sharing: We promote the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and best practices within our organization and the wider space salvage community, contributing to the growth and advancement of the field.

Article 5: Continuous Improvement
5.1 Innovation: We foster a culture of innovation, encouraging our members to explore new technologies, methodologies, and approaches to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our salvage operations.

5.2 Learning and Development: We invest in the continuous learning and professional development of our members, providing opportunities for skill enhancement, training, and career advancement.

Article 6: Compliance and Legal Obligations
6.1 Compliance: We adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards governing space salvage operations, maintaining strict compliance and upholding our legal obligations.

6.2 Ethical Conduct: We commit to conducting our business in an ethical and responsible manner, avoiding any practices that undermine trust, fairness, or the reputation of our organization.

In witness whereof, we hereby establish and adopt this charter as the foundation of StarWreck Salvage Co., binding ourselves to its principles and striving for excellence in all our endeavors.

Signed and ratified on this day of 26th May, 2953.

Captain Brewski
Orion Steele