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Roberts Space Industries ®

Van Diemen's Demise / VANDIEMENS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security


In the beginning we created the desire and the vision. But the vision was formless and empty, darkness was

obscuring the vision, and the Spirit of capital enterprise was hovering over the income.

To this we said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. We saw that the light was good, and we separated

the light from the darkness.
We called the light “legitimate business,” and the darkness we called “its not illegal if you don’t get

And there was plunder in the evening, and there was compound interest in the morning—the first day.

And then we said, “Let there be a vault out in space to separate our bank accounts from tax.”
So we made the vault and separated all our income from the tax man. And it was so.
We called the vault “un-patrolled sector 514A.”
And there was plunder in the evening, and there was compound interest in the morning—the second day.

And we said, “Let the income in sector 514A be gathered to one place, and let the Bank of VDD appear.” And it

was so.
We called the bank “somewhere to launder our money” and the gathered income we called “phat lewts.” And we saw

that it was good.

Then we said, “Let the bank produce more income: interest-bearing loans at high rates and fees on the accounts

of others that bear fruit with every withdrawal and overdraft, according to their various kinds.” And it was

The bank produced a profit: loans bearing interest according to their kinds and fees bearing fruit with

transaction according to their kinds. And we saw that it was good.
And there was plunder in the evening, and there was compound interest in the morning—the third day.

And we said, “Let there be legitimate business in the vaults of the bank to incorporate the plunders of the

night with the profits of the day, and let them serve as signs to mark high net growth times, for days and

years.” And it was so.
We made two great subsidiaries—the greater conglomerate to govern the business of the day and the lesser

syndicate to govern the “freedom tax” of the night.We also made the board members to govern the day and the

night, and to conceal our ill-gotten gains by laundering them in the bank. And We saw that it was good.
And there was plunder in the evening, and there was compound interest in the morning—the fourth day.

And we said, “Let the income pay for our expenses where we must pay from the vault of the bank.”
So we created the expense accounts for the employees to pay for their unavoidable expenses, according to their

kinds, and every damaged space craft according to its kind. And we saw that it was good.
We had them sign pages of contracts and waivers to shield our liability from them and said, “Be fruitful and

increase in number and fill the bank with coin and let the hangars expand to accommodate our fleet.”
And there was plunder in the evening, and there was compound interest in the morning—the fifth day.

And we said, “Let the space produce cargo ships laden with valuable goods ripe for the picking.” And it was

so. We made trade to entice the cargo laden ships according to their kinds, the passenger transit ships

according to their kinds, and all the ships that can be plundered according to their kinds. And we saw that it

was good.

Then we said, “Let us make expensive offers of insurance coverage and private security escort to these ships

with valuable cargos so they can feel safer traversing this sector of space and not be targeted by the naught

naughty pirates which we totally have nothing to do with, honest.”

So we created comprehensive insurance and paramilitary escorts, for a totally reasonable fee.

We addressed them and said to them, “Be sure that you protect these paying customers from the naughty naughty

pirates we totally have no connection to so that they can make safe and efficient commerce.”

Then we said, “We give you every assurance that we will protect you from naughty naughty pirates while your

insurance and escort coverage remains current” And it was so.

We saw all that we had made, and it was very good.
And there was plunder in the evening, and there was compound interest in the morning—the sixth day.


Look, just give us the money and no one gets hurt.

Except that guy, we don’t like that guy.


We do as we please to spread the disease.