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Roberts Space Industries ®

The Victorium Aggregate / VICTORIUM

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

We are the Victorium Aggregate, a syndicate of individuals with diverse skill sets working toward galactic harmony and justice through overt or covert operations as befits our intention.

Inquire within to see how you can make the galaxy a better place.


No one is entirely sure when the loose association of Star Citizens called the Victorium Aggregate first began. Some say the Aggregate has been around in some form or another for centuries. Others say it started when man began to build life on other planets. Regardless of what you believe, the Aggregate has been an important component of man’s effort to colonize space. Whether that means transporting vital supplies to developing colonies, providing or supplementing security to the outer systems, exploring unknown space for habitable planets and materials or combating those that would disrupt harmony or corrupt justice, the Victorium Aggregate has been there.


We are the Victorium Aggregate, a syndicate of individuals with diverse skillsets working toward galactic harmony and justice through overt or covert operations as befits our intention.

Victorium derives from the Latin for “victory.” Where others may derive victory from staggering military might, vast economic and/or political power, dominate social influence or superiority in numbers, our victory derives from safeguarding the galactic welfare. We strive to fulfill this mission wherever we’re needed and cooperate with organizations whose goals align with ours.

We work on a concept of distributed service, mutual purpose and individual responsibility. You may take any work as you see fit or take work directly from the Aggregate so long as it does not violate the charter or subvert our objective. While you may work alone, within our organization’s framework, you will have access to others who can collaborate with you, permanently or temporarily. In our endeavors, we will adhere to applicable law but, if it is not possible while conforming to our motives, we may tread a moral grey area and disobey those laws. We have no formal hierarchy but some instances may require that higher ranks and roles vote on certain matters to best serve our directive.

The individual is the most important unit within our organization; their skills allow us to be malleable and effective as a force for good. We are freelancers, private military contractors, former military, bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, privateers, explorers, miners and traders. We are whatever we need to be for the task at hand.

We are aid where no other can be found.
We are justice where law is broken.
We are order where chaos reigns.
We are the Victorium Aggregate.


Our objective is the measure by which you judge every action you take.

Failure to adhere to the rules of this charter may result in disciplinary action or expulsion from the Aggregate depending on severity and/or occurrence.

The Victorium Aggregate’s Rights And Responsibilities

I. Members of the Aggregate have the right:
  1. To exist free from harassment or discrimination.
  2. To be treated fairly and respectfully.
  3. To be able to request or be offered services of other Members.
  4. To be free from harm to person, property or reputation.
  5. To request or be given assistance by other members in any matters so long as they do not present needless risk to the Aggregate, its property and its reputation or to the assisting party’s life or property.
II. Members of the Aggregate have the responsibility:
  1. To refrain from harassing or discriminating against those they encounter.
  2. To treat others, in the least, with a modicum of respect.
  3. To approach Aggregate members with an attitude of cooperation.
  4. To avoid harming the Aggregate’s or its members’ person, property or reputation.
  5. To aid Aggregate members, as is requested and possible, without needless risk to the Aggregate, its property or its reputation or to oneself or one’s property.

General Guidelines for Behavior

I. Do not kill or steal
  1. Unless it would preserve the life or property of oneself or another individual.
  2. As reprisal for using excessive force against your person or the Aggregate unjustly, violating this rule or undermining galactic welfare or the Aggregate’s objective.
II. Obey applicable law
  1. Unless that law disturbs harmony or thwarts justice.
  2. Harmony refers to “agreement; accord; harmonious relations; unity; peace; amity.”
  3. Justice refers to “the administering of deserved punishment or reward; guided by truth, reason and fairness; equitableness.”

The Victorium Aggregate’s Structure

I. The Aggregate maintains no formal institutional structure and prefers a horizontality-minded affinity group.
  1. Horizontality refers to “the social relationship that advocates the creation, development and maintenance of social structures that exist as a result of dynamic self-management, involving the continuity of participation and exchange between individuals to achieve the larger desired outcomes of the collective whole.”
  2. An affinity group is “a group formed around a shared interest or common goal, to which individuals formally or informally belong.”
II. The Aggregate reserves the right to form councils or committees consisting of founding and key Members to discuss and vote on important issues as they relate to the overall direction of the Aggregate, its relations within and with other organizations, crucial events, present and future operations and the recruitment or dismissal of Members.
  1. Key Members refers to Members who have proven to be loyal and vital contributors to the Aggregate’s growth, persistence and posterity as dictated by founding Members, or those whose primary occupation within the Aggregate provides essential insight into the issue at hand as dictated by the founding or key Members. This status can be temporary or permanent as dictated by founding or key Members.
  2. Members of the Aggregate not found to be key Members reserve the right to voice their opinions and concerns to the council or committee, select founding and key Members and the Aggregate at large. If such opinions and concerns are found to be meaningful and vital to the council or the Aggregate as a whole, the Member will be deemed a key Member as dictated by the founding or key Members.