Welcome to this month’s Galactapedia update roundup. This month, we covered some of the planets and moons of the Stanton system, met two people who had a huge influence on the quantum drive, looked at the history of Jax McCleary and the shows he’s hosted, and went to microTech. Join the Spectrum thread for any discussion or feedback.
Full-Length Article:
- microTech – A planet on the bleeding edge of the Stanton system.
Short Articles:
- Keeger belt – Possible pirate hangout, definite asteroid hangout.
- Levski – Revolutionary settlement Levski.
- Jata – More than just a political hotspot.
- Scott Childress – Leader of the team that took Humanity further than previously dreamed.
- Daniel Penselin – An example of what not to do if your funding gets cut.
- Gallo and Frost – Makers of fine furniture.
- Jax McCleary – The wealthy and reckless reviewer of spacecraft himself.
- Whitley’s Guide – Not just Whitley’s guide to ships, but yours.
- Galactic Tour – How many Xiphopods can you stuff into a Sabre? Find out on Galactic Tour.
- Voyager Direct – You want it? You can get it here.
- Stanton system – Half corporate park, half planetary system.
- Hurston – Home of Hurston Dynamics, antimatter precursor plants, and a lot of labor violations.
- Arial – Packs of prota can be found here.
- Aberdeen – Work off your minor sentence with mining.
- Magda – Rumor has it there are some nice rocks on Magda.
- Ita – The Hurstons sure are fond of naming things after themselves.
- Crusader – Unique in the UEE: a gas giant with breathable air.
- Cellin – Doesn’t have quite enough air to justify taking off your helmet.
- Daymar – Home of the Daymar Rally.
- Yela – This is just on the down-low, but I hear there’s an outpost in one of Yela’s craters.