”The G2G Gemini is the galaxy’s premiere armored refueler. With the capacity to support a squadron of Hornets on a multi-system combat assignment, the Gemini is how the tip of the spear stays sharp. Based on the award-winning MISC Starfarer chassis, the Gemini has been rebuilt from the ground up to military specifications. Optional weapons packages ranging from missile launchers to minelayers allow this ‘turtle’ to pack a real punch! The Gemini is available for broad use today, and is highly recommended for anyone operating on the frontiers or beyond. “
- Aegis Dynamics Weapons of War! brochure, 2943
5) Jarfarer: Carries jams, jellies and UEE Marines.
4) Carfarer: Can’t hurt to add wheels!
3) Charfarer: Packed full of delicious Terra BBQ.
2) Scarfarer: Exactly the same ship, but pointier.
1) Aarghfarer: Don’t ask.”
- MISCellaneous Quarterly (internal corporate newsletter)
Last month, we ran a collection of Hull series Q&A posts during the concept sale. The idea went over so well that we’ve decided to make it a tradition. All future concept sales will include at least one ‘post launch’ Q&A post. This week, for the Starfarer and Starfarer Gemini sale, we’re answering questions backers have posted to this thread.
This will depend largely on the room; some ships (especially larger ones like the Idris and Javelin) will have rooms that could apply to multiple ships, whereas smaller ships like the Starfarer will likely end up with primarily unique rooms (although models and props can be reused between them, for ease of art and development! So while the physical room may be shaped differently, the same desk or aquarium might appear on multiple ships.)
No, you’ll always have internal fuel support systems taking up some space. Think of it this way: on the Hull series, the cargo is fully separate from the ship and the job of the ship is only picking it up and dropping it off. On the Starfarer, the ship has to interface directly with the fuel pods in flight… so there’s all sorts of internal plumbing to support this.
Yes, the Gemini will likely be produced in significantly lower numbers.
The Gemini is the only variant currently planned.
We don’t have personal depots ready yet, but you can store the pods in your hangar. Otherwise, the answer is yes you will be able to use the Starfarer to manage your own fleet.
For internal fuel, the answer is ‘anything that fits.’ It is not limited to just fuel.
This is an oversight – the Gemini has one size larger turrets and engines. Because the models are very similar and components have not been finished, it’s not possible to measure a more accurate mass yet.
While it’s possible in some situations that fuel will become such a resource, the existence of the Gemini doesn’t indicate this. The Gemini was created because the military needs a supply chain. In the past, we’ve told stories about fighter pilots on the front lines without filling out the entire universe… with Star Citizen, we want to show you all the support systems necessary for a universe to make sense.
Yes! The fuel system and related balancing are still in development, but when we have a solid prototype in place we will present it to you. The economy will be fleshed out in many articles as we approach the launch of the persistent universe.
This is one of the Starfarer’s primary goals. You can see in one of the concept pieces we put together for this promotion: the ‘filter’ is in the nose of the ship, so you need to fly down into the outer atmosphere to collect the fuel.
Absolutely! Any role we imagine in Star Citizen will be used for NPC mission generation.
Refined fuel can be used, unrefined fuel cannot. The Starfarer’s equipment will refine fuel much more slowly than a dedicated refinery, but quickly enough for personal use. So you’ll be able to choose between trucking vast quantities of fuel to a refinery, or refining a more limited amount immediately for your own use.
These situations are all bad news; we want refueling to be a challenging process, so failures and collisions should cause significant damage to ships.
That seems like a good plan! Having a tanker with refinery capabilities along with you will significantly expand your range. (There will be other limitations that will likely prevent you from going forever, chief among them onboard munitions and system damage.)
Heavy Refuelling
The UEE military uses an adapted ‘rough and tumble’ Gemini variant of the Starfarer for their front-line operations, trading some cargo capacity and maneuverability for reinforced armor, increased shielding, more powerful engines and stronger manned turrets. The Gemini also includes an optional missile pod, which can be swapped for the fuel intake unit on either Starfarer variant’s nose. The listed Cargo Capacity is only for the dedicated Cargo Room and does not account for the extra space available from the bulk cargo pods.
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