


March 13th 2020

Roadmap Roundup - March 13th, 2020

Roadmap Roundup

Hi everyone,

When we first embarked on this Roadmap journey two years ago, our goal was to make communication more transparent, specific, and insightful for all of you who help make Star Citizen and Squadron 42 possible. While this goal remains unchanged, we’ve found that the format in which we’ve attempted to visualize our progress linearly does not match the approach we’re taking in the development of Squadron 42.

We want to be clear: progress on Squadron 42 is happening and we’re broadly happy with that progress. But we know that our roadmap is not reflecting that progress. Over time, we’ve found that the roadmap as presented does not and cannot accurately represent development on a AAA chapter-based, story-driven game like SQ42. So, we’re going back to the proverbial drawing board to explore different approaches for Squadron 42.

We’re currently considering an option where we would utilize our internal sprint-tracking process to visualize our progress. This would be a departure from the current Roadmap, but would be more in line with our internal scheduling. This new representation for progress in SQ42 would also benefit how we show progress on the PU as well. Alongside, we’ll continue to share development progress through a variety of avenues, outlined in the Calling All Devs episode below. With immediate effect, we will incorporate more Squadron 42 content into our regular Sprint Reports on ISC, Calling All Devs, AMAs (Ask Me Anything Q&As), and more. In addition to our scheduled content such as the SQ42 Monthly Report, we’re also looking forward to providing regular video check-ins with Brian Chambers and a variety of members of the Squadron 42 team.

As always, we also want to hear your suggestions and feedback. Join in on the discussion on Spectrum here.

-CIG Community Team

Notable Changes for March 13th, 2020

There are no notable changes to the Roadmap at this time. Tasks on the PU Roadmap continue to progress as we approach the PTU release of Alpha 3.9.

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