Interested in RP? Join us, we are creating stories in the Verse!
Breakthroughs in modern technology have catapulted humanity into a new era. The opportunity of endless frontiers has grown as exponentially as the population. When simply visiting another planet was once the prospect of future generations, and within reach of only a few global super powers, it is now an endeavor of the common people.
As society has proliferated across the stars, the stage was set for its people to repeat the same mistakes of history. Governments rose and fell, lead by regimes only a shade removed from the dictators of centuries passed. Along the way, new heroes provided inspiration for all citizens alike to overcome tyranny. Or embrace it.
We are those inhabitants of the Verse. Seeking the next jump point. Trading in commodities. Cultivating foreign lands and moving goods to all corners of the galaxy.
We fight wars; Indoctrinate, train, and command. Some are saviors, others repairmen. Media personalities and anonymous faces, mercenaries and pirates.
We shape the Verse, as the Verse shapes us.
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NOTE: individual roleplayers can become members/affiliates of RPNET, Citizens do not have to be a member of an affiliate org to join this community.
One of our primary resources for building lore in Star Citizen is player organizations. All alignments are welcome to join the network; including those outside the law. To create the most compelling experiences in game we welcome a complex range of characters and settings.
RPNET coordinates an affiliate organization network for the greater community. These orgs are vetted to ensure their commitment to immersion. Members of these orgs participate in roleplaying at a minimum of the level at which which they applied. Solo roleplayers can find a home with one of these groups, or remain an independent member.
These are some of the standards that Org communities are evaluated for:To apply for org membership, please contact an administrator◥
Organization Name | Spectrum ID | Role Play Level | Contact | ||
[ The Aurora Collective ] | [ AURORCL ] | [ Moderate ] | [ CMDR-Mattzarellaa ] | ||
[ Avalon Initiative ] | [ AVALONINIT ] | [ Hardcore ] | [ Riji ] | ||
[ Aydo Intergalactic Corporation ] | [ AYDOCORP ] | [ Casual ] | [ UdonMan ] | ||
[ Bad News – Intergalactic News & Intelligence Agency ] | [BADNEWS ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Guimas ] | ||
[ Benette Pharmaceutical & Research ] | [ BENETTE ] | [ Hardcore ] | [ von_Benette ] | ||
[ Birdsong Company ] | [ BSNG ] | [ Hardcore ] | [ Birdsong ] | ||
[ Via Caelis ] | [ CAELIS ] | [ Hardcore ] | [ Sersi ] | ||
[ Cat Girl Pharmacy ] | [ CGP ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Alewashere ] | ||
[ Celestial Pathways ] | [ CELPTHINC ] | [ Casual ] | [ R-Hawkins ] | ||
[ Contact Zero ] | [ CZ0] | [ Moderate ] | [ Tal3oo] | ||
[ Crusader Security: Valkyrie Division ] | [ CRUSECVD ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Rosalina_Kline ] | ||
[ Direwolf ] | [ DIREWOLF ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Krims0n ] | ||
[ Echelon News 7 ] | [ EN7 ] | [ Hardcore ] | [ Ocypeta ] | ||
[ Exodia Alliance – Fleet Logistics ] | [ FOSFLEET ] | [ Moderate ] | [ HDS-TouKing ] | ||
[ Exodia Corporation ] | [ EXODIACORP ] | [ Moderate ] | [ HDS-TouKing ] | ||
[ Fenrir Security Contractors ] | [ FENRIRSC ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Irishaid ] | ||
[ The Fundament ] | [ FUNDAMENT] | [ Moderate ] | [ Solomon ] | ||
[ Galactic Order ] | [0RDER] | [ Moderate ] | [ Azkudon ] | ||
[ Galactic Police Department ] | [ P0LICE ] | [ Moderate ] | [ ATC_Guardian ] | ||
[ General Logistics, Incorporated ] | [ GENLOG ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Chase_Comacho ] | ||
[ Genoa Heavy industries ] | [ GENOA ] | [ Moderate ] | [ G-Wave ] | ||
[ Golden ticket ] | [GOLDTICKET] | [ Casual ] | [ Hendell ] | ||
[ Have ship Will Travel ] | [ HWST ] | [ Moderate ] | [ WNR] | ||
[ HubNet ] | [ HUBNET ] | [ Casual ] | [ OliverZark ] | ||
[ Hurston Dynamics Security ] | [ EXODIAHDS ] | [ Moderate ] | [ HDS-TouKing ] | ||
[ Icarus Interstellar Incorporated ] | [ III ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Skymaster01 ] | ||
[ Intergalactic Airlines ] | [ IGAIR ] | [ Casual ] | [ SuburbanFox ] | ||
[ Pick and Shield, Mining and Security Group ] | [ PNSMINESEC ] | [ Hardcore] | [ Gerand ] | ||
[ Promoted Horizons ] | [ PROMHOR ] | [ Moderate ] | [ RaptorJesus706 ] | ||
[ Quantas Starline | [ QUANTAS] | [ Moderate] | [ BuildAndPlay ] | ||
[ Quantum Jump Medical ] | [ QJMEDICAL ] | [ Moderate ] | [ QJM-Spctre ] | ||
[ Rapid Engagement and Covert Operations Network ] | [ RECONPMC ] | [ Moderate ] | [ ThaCh0sen ] | ||
[ Ravenbound ] | [ RABD ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Trennic ] | ||
[ Red and Black Coalition ] | [ REDANDBLK ] | [ Casual ] | [ Coyote_of_Mars ] | ||
[ Rising Stars Mutual Aid Network ] | [ RISINGSTAR ] | [ Moderate ] | [ CZenStar ] | ||
[ Star Phoenix Corp ] | [ STARPHX ] | [ Hardcore ] | [ Velein ] | ||
[ Terra Star Expeditionary ] | [ TERRASTARX ] | [ Casual ] | [ TheShooter36 ] | ||
[ UEE Exploration Corps ] | [ PT78 ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Almas-Zoltan ] | ||
[ Vector ] | [ PMCVECTOR ] | [ Moderate ] | [ roche3950 ] | ||
[ Vigil Exploratory ] | [ VIGIL ] | [ Moderate ] | [ Volkmar77 ] | ||
[ XenoTaivaraa ] | [ TAIVARAA ] | [ Moderate ] | [ GumCard ] | ||
[ Zephyr Aerospace ] | [ ZAS ] | [ Hardcore ] | [ Lynxsey ] |
┏ | Casual | ┓ ┏ | Moderate | ┓ ┏ | Hardcore | ┓ ┏ | Persistent | ┓ |
Potentially new to RP. | Knowledgeable in lore. | A veteran roleplayer. | Full immersion RPer. | |||||
Dips into active stories | Often seeks RP groups, fits into | Actively starts RP sessions, | Becomes part of the setting and | |||||
and mainly takes on | most settings and follow RP | hosts events, and seeks to make | constantly stays in character. | |||||
familiar roles. | guidelines. | an impact on in-game lore. | Always RPing. | |||||
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RPNet exists to facilitate roleplay, between individuals and entire Orgs. The intention being to create a vast and diverse network of RP and RPers, a place for those looking for roleplay to find it.
RPNet exists for everyone. All styles of RP are welcome, represented, and where possible catered to. The same goes for the RPers themselves, all are welcome aside those who wish to exclude others.
RPNet aims to foster a broad community of players, unified by RP but also in playing the game, to help each other and have fun in SC (and potentially in other games too).
By bringing together various roleplaying groups and individuals, RPNET is a platform for in character [IC] interaction.
The community facilitates player events, details significant RP history in a public archive, and encourages building lore outside of the game through character biographies and Org histories.
► RPNET was established to promote a cooperative OOC environment
► This is not an IC org, there are no requirements in terms of activity or exclusivity of membership. It's expected most members will be affiliates due to the nature of the organisation.
► RPNET serves primarily to provide OOC networking and opportunities for roleplayers and those who seek to join roleplay in Star Citizen.
► All members are expected to be respectful and avoid name calling, harassment, trolling, etc. Civil debate is expected, heated arguments should be handled privately.
► RP Org recruitment though RPNET is specifically facilitated and encouraged.
► RPNET is a diverse and welcoming community. In order to maintain that, bigotry, targeted hate, and griefing will not be tolerated.