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January 20th 2020

This Week in Star Citizen
January 20th, 2020

Hello everyone,

Last weekend, members of the CIG team in Austin took the opportunity to attend a Bar Citizen in San Antonio during PAX South. They had an absolute blast and want to thank everyone who came out.

On Friday, we sent out the latest information on the continuing development of the PU & Squadron 42, collected from each of our studios around the globe. Check your inbox if you haven’t read the SQ42 report yet and make sure you’re subscribed to the SQ42 newsletter to ensure you don’t miss any future news.

Lastly, I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone about the Daymar Rally taking place next Saturday at 5pm UTC. Over 250 racers from 15 countries will be competing for glory, ships, and delicious trophies in 3 divisions (Buggy, Rover, and Bike). The Rally will be broadcast on their Twitch channel, so tune in on January 25th.

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

Tuesday is lore day! The Narrative Team will publish Spectrum Spectator, this time taking a look at memorable fringe candidates from the Primary Enrollment. Pass the time by catching up with previously published lore posts.

Wednesday we’ll repost the Squadron 42 Monthly Report as a Comm-Link. It’s chock-full of info to keep you up to date with what our teams around the globe have been working on over the past two months.

This Thursday, keep an eye out for the return of Inside Star Citizen. In this week’s episode, we’ll be shooting for the moons of microTech.

Friday sees a Roadmap update and the RSI Newsletter delivered right to your inbox. We also welcome a new episode of Star Citizen Live, which broadcasts LIVE on our Star Citizen Channel at 8am Pacific / 4pm UTC. This week, we welcome Environment Artist Luan Vetoreti to the show where we’ll be exploring the process of creating Points of Interests on planets and moons.

Also on Friday, get ready to celebrate Lunar New Year in the ‘verse! Check back later this week for more details.

See you in the ‘verse!

Ulf Kuerschner
Senior Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

MONDAY, JANUARY 20th, 2020
            This Week in Star Citizen   

            Lore Post – Spectrum Spectator: Glimpse at the candidates   

            Squadron 42 Monthly Report Repost   

            Inside Star Citizen   (

FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th, 2020
            Star Citizen Live   (
            Lunar New Year Celebration   
            Roadmap Update   (
            Roadmap Roundup   
            Weekly Newsletter   
            Subscriber Vault Update   

            Daymar Rally   (

Weekly Wisdom: Telemetry

Keep track of performance!

With Star Citizen Alpha 3.2 we introduced a detailed telemetry page, presenting data we receive from clients playing Star Citizen. While there is no way to predict client performance as there are too many user-controlled variables that may impact FPS, the heat-map values will give you a good understanding of the average performance across a range of machines.
See how your hardware stacks up and get an insight on other machines’ performances on our telemetry page.

Community MVP: JANUARY 20TH, 2020

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, a YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub.

Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

2950 In Pictures by TwentySquares

Imperial Geographic, a non-profit scientific and educational organization that operates within the UEE territory released a 2950 calendar with great-looking images for each month of the year. If you're still looking for a calendar that showcases citizenship, TwentySquares has got you covered.

Check out the full calendar on the community hub.

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This Week in Star Citizen

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