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February 3rd 2020

This Week in Star Citizen
February 3rd, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone!

As proven many times, the Star Citizen community is one of the most welcoming when it comes to new players, but looking at the number of sessions held since we launched the guide system two months ago made us speechless once again. We’ve loved seeing new player’s stories and want to say Thank You to everyone helping rookies taking their first steps into the ‘verse. Please join us in congratulating the top guides on Spectrum.

Last Friday, Technical Director of Content Sean Tracy joined us on Star Citizen Live with a follow-up to his CitizenCon presentation on Theaters of War. Now available on YouTube, you can learn about the upcoming game mode, what makes it fun, and the impact it will have on combat in the PU.

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

We’re only eleven days away from Valentine’s Day. Create an original Star Citizen-themed Valentine’s Day card in our “Be My Valentine” contest that’s running from today until February 12th. Find all the lovely details on Spectrum.

On Tuesday, the Narrative Team will publish a new episode of New United, providing you with a Who’s Who of the ten most promising candidates for the office of Imperator.

Wednesday will bring the PU Monthly Report and the SQ42 Monthly Report, highlighting what the developers have been up to throughout January. Enlist for the Squadron 42 newsletter for all the latest info each month.

Thursday we invite you to join us for the latest episode of Inside Star Citizen. In this week’s episode we’ll talk about prison gameplay and how to prepare for a life behind bars.

Friday brings a Roadmap update, the Subscriber Vault update, and the RSI Weekly Newsletter will be delivered right to your inbox. We also welcome a new episode of Star Citizen Live, which broadcasts LIVE on our Star Citizen Twitch channel. Keep an eye out on Spectrum to find out who our guests will be this week.

And now, can you please hand me my pilot helmet? There are several crazy flight maneuvers I want to show to our new players. See you next time!

Christian Schmitt
Associate Community Manager

Screenshot by L1SANX

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            This Week in Star Citizen   
            Valentine’s Day Card Contest   

            Lore Post – New United: Announcement of Top 10 Imperator Candidates   

            Persistent Universe Monthly Report   
            Squadron 42 Monthly Report   

            Inside Star Citizen   (

            Star Citizen Live   (
            Roadmap Update   (
            Roadmap Roundup   
            Weekly Newsletter   
            Subscriber Vault Update   

Weekly Wisdom: Take a closer look, Pilot!

“Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes”, is frequently heard advice in many action movies. But did you know that there’s a way to see the famous whites early and make sure you always shoot first?

Open the game settings in the options menu. Towards the end of the page, enable the Auto Zoom On Selected Target. The slider below allows you to adjust the intensity. Within the advanced keybinding options, Flight Targeting, you can assign a button to toggle this handy function on/off on your demand.
Now jump into the ‘verse, find an enemy, and match your aiming reticle with your aiming pips on your selected target!

Bonus: it also works with head tracking enabled.

Community MVP: FEBRUARY 3RD, 2020

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub.

Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

2K Ultrawide Wallpapers BY NOTGEMINI

Are you on the lookout for Ultrawide Star Citizen Wallpapers? NotGemini is sharing his stunning collection on the community hub. From Port Olisar to Lorville, we're sure that you'll find your new favorite.

Check out the wallpapers on the Community Hub.

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