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March 9th 2020

This Week in Star Citizen
March 9th, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone!

Last weekend, members of the CIG team in Frankfurt took the opportunity to attend a Bar Citizen in Liège. We had an absolute blast and want to thank everyone who joined this awesome event in Belgium!

Last Friday, we sent out the latest information on the continuing development of the PU and Squadron 42, collected from our studios around the world.

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

On Tuesday, the Narrative Team will dump a portfolio piece on Dumper’s Depot. Check it out to scavenge some handy lore knowledge!

On Wednesday, we’ll kick off our second developer AMA live on Spectrum. At 9 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC, the team will be on hand to answer your most burning questions on the upcoming Player Status System. We’ll open up the thread 30 minutes early to start collecting questions.

This Thursday, a new episode of Inside Star Citizen will air on our YouTube Channel, featuring Dan Trufin on the latest updates to mining and a tour of the Esperia Prowler.

Friday will bring us updates to the Roadmap, the Subscriber Vault, the weekly newsletter, and the long-awaited return of Calling All Devs.

See you in the ‘verse!

Christian Schmitt
Associate Community Manager

Picture by Starsbebop

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

MONDAY, MARCH 9th, 2020
            This Week in Star Citizen   

TUESDAY, MARCH 10th, 2020
            Lore Post – Portfolio: Dumper’s Depot   

            Spectrum AMA: Player Status System   
            SQ42 Monthly Report Comm-Link Repost   

THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 2020
            Inside Star Citizen   (

FRIDAY, MARCH 13th, 2020
            Calling All Devs   
            Roadmap Update   (
            Roadmap Roundup   
            Weekly Newsletter   
            Subscriber Vault Update   

Weekly Wisdom: Never Walk Alone, Citizen!

Instead of playing alone, use Mission Sharing. This allows you to share missions with members of your party and enables you and your friends to see, track, and complete objectives together while sharing the rewards.

To do so, open your mobiGlas and select your Contract Manager. Then, head over to your ACCEPTED tab. Select the mission you wish to share and then click the SHARE button in the bottom-right of the screen.

Now your party members will be prompted to accept or deny the mission. If they accept, the shared mission will appear in their Contract Manager. Don’t panic, all party members will get an equal share of mission rewards when the mission is completed.

Community MVP: MARCH 9TH, 2020

We're constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub.

Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

UEE Xenolinguistics Institute by Chris Harrow

You want to master Xi'an?

Chris Harrow and friends created a page you should visit if you want to become a UEE Xenolinguist! Find anything you need, from an overview of the Xi’an language provided by the UEE Diplomatics Corps to a Xi’an dictionary app.
Eventually, you might become a calligraphist like Chris Harrow and be able to write the names of your (understandably) favorite Community Managers, Ulf and Chris.

Check out the UEE Xenolinguistics Institute

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This Week in Star Citizen

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