Happy Monday, everyone!
Alpha 3.7 is just around the corner, and last week’s Inside Star Citizen highlighted a few key features coming soon to a ‘verse near you: mission sharing, new attachments for your weapons, character-customizer improvements, rentable ships, a glimpse at the Banu Defender, and more. If you missed the episode, be sure to check it out here. As a reminder, ISC is taking a brief end-of-season break but will be back on October 24th with fresh content and looks behind the scenes.
The community really went all out with Ship Showdown submissions, but now it’s coming down to the wire as your 16 favorite ships have entered bracket round voting – facing off in daily head-to-head battles. Keep voting and see how the showdown shakes out. In the famous words of Connor MacLeod, “there can be only one!”
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Tuesday, the Lore Team will release a Portfolio piece about Roberts Space Industries, the company that paved the way for humanity’s journey to the stars.
We collected your most pressing questions about the upcoming Quantum Enforcement ship from RSI, as well as the related gameplay, and took them directly to the ship’s developers. The Mantis Q&A will answer your questions this Wednesday.
Ready for an in-depth update on our development progress? Thursday will bring us both the PU & SQ42 Monthly Reports, and with them, all the insight you crave.
Friday will bring us updates to the Roadmaps and the Subscriber Vault. Also, keep an eye on your inbox for the weekly RSI Newsletter. And finally, we welcome a new episode of Star Citizen Live, which will be broadcasting on our Star Citizen Twitch channel at 8am PDT / 3pm UTC . This week, in a special Star Citizen Live Gamedev, Aleksandras Akstinas from our weapon concept team will take us through his process creating multiple ship weapons and answering your questions LIVE.
See you in the ‘verse!
Christian A.W. Schmitt
Associate Community Manager