Happy Monday, everyone!
We hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday, both in the ‘verse and out! Whether hunting gifts, Ninetails pirates, or Maze, thanks so much to those of you who chose to spend their holiday season in the Stanton system. There’s one more run of Jumptown 2.0 coming up this weekend, so gear up and get ready for the final 48-hour clash of contraband combat starting at midnight UTC on January 14th.
Speaking of this weekend, the 2952 Daymar Rally is set to kick off on Saturday, January 15th! For those who don’t know, the Daymar Rally is an annual ground race organized and ran by the community, and it’s truly a sight to behold. Be sure to tune in so you don’t miss the excitement! Check out the official Daymar Rally site for details.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Tuesday, the Narrative team will publish a new Portfolio piece about the Civilian Defense Force. Read about how, with help from an ex-Advocacy Agent, the CDF was created so local militias and residents could partner with the UEE to help keep their system safe.
Friday brings an update to the Subscriber Vault and the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox.
And don’t forget, the final run of Jumptown 2.0 begins at midnight UTC on the 14th as well! See you in the ‘verse, and have a fantastic week!
Jake Bradley
Associate Community Manager