Happy Monday, everyone!
In case you missed it, Alpha 3.15 is now available to all backers on the PTU! Jump in to try out the new inventory system, run the new Infiltrate and Defend Missions, and learn all about healing in Star Citizen so you’re fully prepared for when it hits the live servers soon.
Speaking of medical knowledge, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on Hospitals & Healing in Alpha 3.15 to help get you started. This guide covers everything from injuries to pharmaceuticals, from hospitals to medical beds, and much more. Jump into this medical-focused comm-link to ready up for when Alpha 3.15 raises the stakes in the ‘verse forever.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
Starting today, Monday, our Fall Referral Promotion kicks off, going through until December 1st. Recruiting a friend to the ‘verse will grant you this year’s Ship Showdown winner, the Argo MPUV-1C, for free, complete with in-game lifetime insurance. As a bonus, both you and the person you refer will also get the Best In Show paint, jacket, and backpack later this month as well! Check out the Fall Referral Promotion comm-link for details.
This Tuesday the Narrative team has a new Lore Post titled “Far From Home”. Ol’ Jegger reflects on the new regeneration tech and whether or not to get an imprint made.
On Wednesday the development teams have put together their reports for October, so keep an eye out for a pair of Monthly Reports on both Star Citizen and Squadron 42, via comm-link and email respectively. It’s also time for the next Roadmap Update, alongside an accompanying Roadmap Roundup.
Thursday brings the return of Inside Star Citizen with an exploration of the new Mining Gadgets feature coming online in the upcoming Alpha 3.16, plus a Sprint Report.
This Friday, Director Simon Bursey joins the show to answer your questions about All Things User Interface. Due to Daylight Savings and time zone weirdness this week, it’ll be a shorter show than normal but that starts at 9am Pacific, 4pm UTC. You can submit your questions on the dedicated Spectrum thread. You’ll also catch our weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox, plus an update to the Subscriber Vault.
Have a fantastic week!
Jake Bradley
Associate Community Manager