Happy Monday!
Last week provided a lot of news about what we might look forward to in 2021. Whether it’s new technologies or something more tangible like the Tonk, the latest Roadmap Update and Roadmap Roundup aimed to deliver a detailed inside look into what’s in the pipe, and there’s still more to come!
Suppose that wasn’t enough of a glimpse into the future already? In that case, you should check out the latest Star Citizen Live, where Persistent Universe Game Director Tony Zurovec revealed (thanks Tony!) our plans for upcoming Dynamic Events.
Lastly, we wanted to give you an early heads up about our next AMA: On Wednesday, February 10, you will have the opportunity to ask your burning questions directly to our Vehicle Experience Team!
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Tuesday, the Narrative team gives us an in-depth look at a personal weapons manufacturer that stands for success with Gemini’s portfolio.
Then, on Wednesday, it’s time to polish the reading glasses as we publish the Monthly Reports for both the PU and SQ42. We also invite you to prepare for Valentine’s Day 2021 with us with the kick off with our latest Coramor contest!
Thursday, it’s gonna be big, as Inside Star Citizen takes a look at how Capital Ship combat and SDF Shields came to be, and more.
On Friday, you’ll receive an update to the Subscriber Vault, and the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. Star Citizen Live will be back on our Star Citizen Twitch channel. At 8:00am Pacific (4pm UTC) we’ll have members from the Star Citizen Weapon and Props Art Teams on the show for a general Q&A about their work creating the look and feel of those handheld objects that inhabit the Star Citizen universe. Make sure to submit your questions on Spectrum.
On the PTU servers, we’re also hammering away at the finishing touches for XenoThreat (shoutout to all the testers), so rearming your fighters and gettin’ prepared might be a bit of good advice…
Have a great week!
Christian Schmitt aka Wayne-CIG
Associate Community Manager
Screenshot by Caliber1000