


August 24th 2020

This Week in Star Citizen
August 24, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone!

Star Citizen Alpha 3.10.2 is approaching, and we would like to thank everyone who played the build on the PTU over the weekend and participated in Volunteer Regression testing!

This type of community engagement has always been a key element in Star Citizen’s development; from day one we vowed to share our progress and open our doors to present the journey of creating the Best Damn Space Sim Ever. Following this road, we recently provided an update on how we plan to share the development process of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 going forward. More info soon!

On a related note, each month we host an open-submission live Q&A on Spectrum hosted by developers from various disciplines across CIG. Last week, we had guests from the Environment Art Team answering your questions about planets and organic locations in Star Citizen, and for your convenience, we created the Environment Art AMA Recap. We had a blast hosting this, so make sure to check it out!

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

This Monday, we appointed the “best crews in the ‘verse” by announcing the winners of the Crew Screenshot Contest. We also honored the top guides that helped new and returning pilots up their games using the Guide System.

On Tuesday, the Narrative Team concludes the action-packed series Lost Squad: Before The Fall. If you need to catch up with the previous episodes, best start with Act 1.

On Wednesday, you’ll receive answers to your most burning question about the recently released Esperia Talon as we publish the Talon Q&A.

Thursday brings the epic return of SHIP SHOWDOWN, our annual multi-phase competition to determine the best ship in the ‘verse, as decided by you! It kicks off with Phase 1, where we challenge you to champion your favorite flyable or drivable vehicle! You can do this however you see fit – bake a cake, snap a screenshot, paint a portrait, write a song, or anything else you can think of! We’ve got a lot of fun additions this year that we think you’ll like, ranging from sweet new prizes to a Free Fly in the latter half of the competition. Stay tuned, because more information is coming your way later this week!

Also on Thursday, we welcome the latest episode of Inside Star Citizen. This time, our weekly look behind the scenes of Star Citizen development takes a deeper dive into the next evolution of Force Reactions and looks at the current progress of Spacescaping for the Stanton System.

On Friday, you’ll see a Roadmap update and Roundup, an update to the Subscriber Vault, the RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox, and the latest issue of Jump Point. Last but not least, we’ll welcome a new episode of Calling All Devs to our YouTube Channel.

I’m heading to the supermarket for some putty, glue, and paints for my Ship Showdown Anvil Valkyrie project! I’m looking forward to seeing your projects from Thursday on!

Have a great week,

Christian Schmitt
Associate Community Manager

Screenshot by MusoniusRufus

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            This Week in Star Citizen   
            Foundation Festival – Crew Contest Winner Announcement  
            Foundation Festival – Top Guides Announcement  

            Lore Post – Serialized Fiction: Lost Squad (Part 4)   

            Esperia Talon Q&A Comm-Link 

            Ship Showdown – Phase 1  
            Inside Star Citizen      (youtube.com/user/RobertsSpaceInd)

            Calling All Devs      (youtube.com/user/RobertsSpaceInd)
            Roadmap Update   (robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/board/1-Star-Citizen)
            Roadmap Roundup   
            Jump Point August Issue   
            Subscriber Vault Update   
            Weekly Newsletter   

Weekly Wisdom: Turret Gunner – Aim It Your Way

On default, our turrets use ‘Vjoy’, which lets your mouse mimic joystick deflection. So, if you move your mouse from a centered position, it will constantly move the turret in that pitch/yaw direction until you move it back. This allows you to continuously track a target rotating around you without much effort using the same VJoy scheme that you use when flying ships.

If this doesn’t feel comfortable to you, push Q to toggle to FPS style. It moves the turret relative to the amount of motion in the mouse and mimics an aim-behavior you might be more used to from first-person fighting. So, if you stop moving your mouse, the turret stops moving too.

Give it a try and shoot those pirates down.

Community MVP: August 24th, 2020

We're constantly amazed at the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub. Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for the chance to see it here!

Hammerhead Fury 3 by Terada

You might already know what a dangerous predator the Hammerhead-Class gunship by AEGIS Dynamics can be, patrolling through the vast expanse of the ‘verse looking for prey. If you’ve forgotten, Terada shows you how much punishment it can endure and how much it can dole out in his latest video.

Enjoy the video on the Community Hub

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This Week in Star Citizen

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