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July 20th 2020

This Week in Star Citizen
July 20th, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone!

Alpha 3.10 is currently open to Wave One testers in the PTU, and we’re grateful for all the helpful feedback we’ve already received.

While the team is adjusting things to make the build ready for a wider audience, we want to encourage you to help your fellow citizens as a Guide to earn some exclusive rewards during the Foundation Festival.

And if you’re looking to get your hands dirty or pull off some tricks with your friends, we got you covered with our Crew Contest. Be sure to read this Comm-Link to the very end, as we’ve got some handy tips for you.

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

On Tuesday, the Narrative Team will publish another focus piece on one of the final Imperator candidates. This week, we’ll get to know Paul LeSalle as he sits down with the Bounty Hunter Guild in the latest episode of Tracker.

Inside Star Citizen will be back this Thursday as we explore brands and their roles in Star Citizen and Squadron 42, from the development of ships and vehicles to the balancing of FPS weapons and more.

On Friday you’ll see a Roadmap update and Roundup, an update to the Subscriber Vault, and the RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox. We’ll also share our recipe collection from the recent Alien Week – check it out for step-by-step instructions to creating Human interpretations of several extraterrestrial “classics.” Finally, we’ll welcome a new episode of Star Citizen Live, which will broadcast on our Star Citizen Twitch channel at 8am Pacific / 3pm UTC. This time, we’ll be joined by Star Citizen Live Game Director Todd Papy to answer your questions about the currently-in-PTU Alpha 3.10 patch.

Have a great week!

Christian Schmitt
Associate Community Manager

Screenshot by wmk

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

MONDAY, JULY 20th, 2020
            This Week in Star Citizen   

TUESDAY, JULY 21st, 2020
            Lore Post – Tracker: Paul LeSalle’s Plan for the Empire   

WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 2020

THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 2020
            Inside Star Citizen      (

FRIDAY, JULY 24th, 2020
            Star Citizen Live     (
            Roadmap Update   (
            Roadmap Roundup   
            Subscriber Vault Update   
            Weekly Newsletter   
            Alien Week Recipe Collection   

Weekly Wisdom: Stay Hydrated

Press ctrl+f to display your hydration level at the bottom left of the screen.

Below the small drops, you’ll find your current hydration level, which helps you determine if you should drink something before your next trip to avoid thirst.

Drinks are sold in every major landing zone and space station. If you don’t purchase your drink via quick-buy and choose to ‘get more information’, you can see the Hydration Efficacy Index (HEI) and any additional effects that your chosen refreshment will provide.

Water is one of the best ways to keep you hydrated, but other drinks can come with special bonuses you certainly don’t want to miss.

Community MVP: July 20th, 2020

We're constantly amazed at the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub. Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for the chance to see it here!

Camera Controls Tutorial by Hasgaha

If you’re currently working on your submission for the Foundation Festival’s Crew Contest, we recommend checking out this camera control tutorial that can help you achieve the perfect screenshot.

Watch the video on the Community Hub

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This Week in Star Citizen

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