Hello everyone,
Last week the Public Test Universe opened to welcome First Wave testers as well as Concierge backers and Subscribers. New ships, grouping mechanics and the first iteration of mining could be tested, and according to some explosive clips out there, it seems you guys had a blast!
Now with the PTU being open for all testers since last night, this is the final phase before we can welcome Alpha 3.2 to live. So keep hitting our test servers, let us know in the Issue Council when you encounter bugs, and leave a reply in the feedback forum if you want to share your thoughts on a specific item or feature.
Check out last week’s Reverse the Verse for the latest about grouping mechanics, and remember to #MineResponsibly. Read the 3.2 PTU patch notes to see how mining works and watch the excellent mining tutorials that are out there, before jeopardizing your Prospector.
Lastly, let me direct your attention to this week’s Community MVP, NarayanN7, who created an incredible 600i cinematic. If you’re in awe, inspired and want to put your own Origin Jumpworks 600i into the spotlight, your turn will come soon! With the upcoming launch of Alpha 3.2, the community team prepared a ’600i commercial video contest’, which we’ll be launching in the coming days. Keep an eye out for the Comm-Link!
With that, let’s see what’s going on this week:
Every week on Calling All Devs, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on Spectrum and voted for by YOU. This week, we address questions regarding weapon components, firing ranges, and the differences between piracy and griefing. Watch the full episode here. As always: You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here.
Tuesday will be dedicated to bringing you one of the serialized fiction stories that appeared in Jump Point but were never available to all backers before. Be prepared and read up on part one here.
Thursday brings a new episode of Bugsmashers, as well as an exciting new Squadron 42 Project Update in the latest installment of Around the Verse.
Lastly, make sure to tune in on Friday for another episode of Reverse the Verse, broadcast LIVE at 12PM Pacific on our Star Citizen Twitch channel. This week, we’ll be sitting down with the chairman himself, Chris Roberts.
We’ll see you in the ‘Verse.
Ulf Kuerschner
Community Manager