Hi everyone,
Jumptown’s reopening and the pirates of Nine Tails kept the Stanton system buzzing with activity last week. There’s one more full weekend to check out these two dynamic events, so grab some friends, gear up, and get out there to make some sweet aUEC. For more details on Jumptown and the full dynamic event schedule, check out our dedicated overview page.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
This Tuesday, the Narrative team has gathered ten questions from the Ask the Devs section of Spectrum and will post the answers in the latest Loremakers: Community Questions Comm-Link. Additionally, the March Subscriber Comm-Link will go live on Tuesday.
Wednesday brings our biweekly Roadmap Update alongside its Roadmap Roundup. We’ll also post the February Monthly Reports for both Star Citizen and Squadron 42, the latter delivered via email newsletter.
On Thursday, Inside Star Citizen will showcase an update on River Tech, plus a look at reputation and hostility changes that mean more opportunities for player and developer alike.
To finish out the week, Star Citizen Live returns on our Twitch channel with a new episode. This week’s guest is the Narrative Team for a Q&A session on all things Lore starting at 9am Pacific / 5pm UTC. Be sure to submit your questions ahead of time in the dedicated Spectrum thread.
You’ll also receive our weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox, and Subscribers can look forward to an update to the Subscriber Vault.
Have a wonderful week!
Jake Bradley
Associate Community Manager