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November 30th 2020

This Week in Star Citizen
November 30, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone!

What a week! The past few days have been all about the 2950 Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, and the Tobin Convention Center saw thousands of visitors marvel at the many ships and vehicles up close every single day.

However, the show is far away from over as the community’s champions conquered the floor. The Drake Cutlass Black, Aegis Eclipse, Anvil Valkyrie, and the ultimate winner of this year’s Ship Showdown, the Anvil Carrack are on display, all dressed for the occasion in their brand new Best in Show liveries. Check out the IAE 2950 FAQ to find out how to secure these exclusive paints for yourself!

Also, don’t forget to check out more than 100 ships during our ongoing Free Fly, and take your chances on winning your very own Anvil Valkyrie by participating in our IAE 2950 Screenshot Contest Finale.

Already cozied in the all-new Nomad from Consolidated Outland during your quantum travel to microTech? Then pass the travel-time and enjoy Star Citizen: The Reunion – Part I, featuring the latest vessel from Crusader Industries, the Mercury Star Runner.

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

On Tuesday, the Narrative Team will introduce Hedeby Gunworks in a Lore Post and explains how this gun manufacturer brings antique weapons and classic smithing techniques back to the year 2950.

Wednesday will be the last day of IAE 2950, and thus your last chance to get your hands on this year’s special IAE offers. Similar to previous years, due to the Expo we won’t have a monthly report for November, but we’ll include all of the goodness the developers have been up to into the December monthly report.

On Thursday, Inside Star Citizen takes a closer look at the Perseus and the upcoming Tractor Beam attachment.

Star Citizen Live will come back to us on Twitch this Friday, at 8am Pacific / 16:00 UTC. Joining us this week will be Vehicle Director John Crewe and Vehicle Art Director Ben Curtis, for a special Post-IAE-All-Ships Q&A. Last but not least, you’ll catch our weekly Roadmap update and Roundup, an update to the Subscriber Vault, and the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox.

That’s it for this week’s update. I’m heading to the IAE and maybe I’ll see you there! Until then!

Christian Schmitt aka Wayne-CIG
Associate Community Manager

Screenshot by SpaceGamerUK

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            This Week in Star Citizen   
            Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 – Day 11 | Best in Show 

            Lore Post – Portfolio: Hedeby Gunworks   
            Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 – Day 12 | Best in Show 

            Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 – Last Day | Best in Show 

            Inside Star Citizen      (

            Star Citizen Live      (
            Roadmap Update   (
            Roadmap Roundup   
            Subscriber Vault Update   
            Weekly Newsletter   

Weekly Wisdom: IAE 2950 Free Fly Freedom

The IAE 2950 might end on December 2, but the best days for space flight enthusiasts are the current ones. To celebrate this year's IAE with a grand finale, you now have the freedom to rent over 100 ships in the Tobin Convention Center, New Babbage on microTech, for free.

Head to the subfloor right below the four Best in Show Ships and check out the Traveler Rentals Terminals and get your hands on some fancy ships before IAE finally closes its doors.

Community MVP: November 30, 2020

We're constantly amazed at the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub.

Don't forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for the chance to see it here!

Drake Interplanetary Cinematic 2950 by GRIM_SJ

GRIM_SJ released the Kraken and showed us the power and versatility of Drake’s mighty fleet.

So if you still ask yourself why a Space Trucker should pay some fellow friends for their security service, check out what pirates might send after you!

Watch the entire Drake Trailer on the Community Hub.

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