Hello everyone,
Last week we fired off the first commercial contest of 2019, highlighting the rough and rugged Tumbril Cyclone series. We’re currently in the process of selecting the winners and will post an announcement very soon. Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter.
The Roadmap was updated last Friday to give you a look at what’s coming to the Persistent Universe throughout 2019. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can do so here.
Along with the updated Roadmap, we also released our Star Citizen Monthly Report, covering progress the teams made in December and January.
As we’re approaching Valentine’s Day (only 3 more days, everyone!), we’re celebrating with a “Be My Valentine” card contest. Share the love and design your own Star Citizen Valentine for a chance to win a ship that shoots straight for the heart. All the juicy details can be found on Spectrum here.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
Monday: Share your love with that special someone, no matter how many star systems separate you. Take part in our “Be My Valentine” Card Contest.
Also on Monday, we want your feedback and suggestions for the merchandise you’d like to see hit our store later this year. Head over to Spectrum and join the discussion here.
Tuesday is lore day and features a Portfolio post focused on ‘Koa e Ko’ia’, a Xi’An Endurance Race that can take anywhere between 200-250 standard Earth hours.
On Wednesday we’ll announce the winners of the Tumbril Cyclone Commercial Contest.
On Thursday another episode of Around the Verse will take a look at the latest Star Citizen news.
Friday will see a Roadmap update and the RSI Newsletter delivered right to your inbox. We’ll also welcome a new episode of Reverse the Verse, which will broadcast LIVE on our Star Citizen Channel at 10am Pacific. This week, we’ll host a round-table of guests from the Audio Team working on Star Citizen and Squadron 42! Post your questions on Spectrum and vote on the ones you want to see addressed most.
Finally, if you enjoyed the Star Citizen Monthly Report last week, buckle in for the Squadron 42 Monthly Report, coming to you this Friday.
See you in the ‘verse!
Ulf Kuerschner
Senior Community Manager