Greetings Citizens

Greetings Citizens,
For many of us, Summer is upon us and I hope you all managed to stay cool over the weekend. I tried to dodge the heat and make some homemade lemonade and… let’s just say I’ll be sticking to the store bought stuff in the future.
With that, let’s take a look at this week.
Today, Citizens of the Stars introduces us to Oldschool, who has created a series of webcomics highlighting some of the funnier moments in the Star Citizen universe. Also, Junior Counsel Steven “Toast” Kam takes on the hotseat in Quantum Questions. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am SO ready for Brian Chambers to be de-throned. I’m about ready to take on the hot seat myself and show him how it’s done.
Tuesday, the Lore Team will regale us with yet another detailed lore post. These posts are integral to building out our worlds and breathe life and history into the Star Citizen universe.
Also on Tuesday, we have a Subscriber’s Town Hall with the Props team. Jared Huckaby is joined joined by Ben Curtis and Cory Bamford from the Foundry 42 UK Props Team who are responsible for building a wide variety of items used to dress our in-game environments and ships!
Wednesday we sit down with Senior Writer Will Weissbaum to talk about the Tayac System for another installment of Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Thursday. Personally, my favorite day of the week. In fact, Thursday should just be renamed to F5 day! What am I talking about? Around the Verse returns for its weekly update on Star Citizen’s on-going development! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Last but definitely not least, we end the week with May’s Monthly Studio Report! If the regular shows and comm-links were not enough, make sure to head over to the website on Friday for all that juicy information in one place.
That’s all for this week folks! We’ll see you in the ‘Verse!
Tyler “Zyloh” Witkin
Lead Community Manager