Greetings Citizens

Greetings Citizens,
Thanks for everyone who came to see our panel at TwitchCon or hung out with us at one of the Bar Citizens over the past weekend. We received a lot of great questions both on stage and afterwards. We’re looking forward to next year, but first, we are finalizing all of our prepartions for CitizenCon this Friday. Be sure to check out our schedule of the entire event here
With that, lets see what’s going on this week:
Earlier today we released the newest episode of Citizens of the Stars! Twitch streamer Grakees talks about breaking the game for fun and hugs. Then Paul Vaden gets his chance to unseat Mike Jones as the Quantum Question champion. Catch the latest episode here.
On Tuesday, the writers will release their weekly Lore Post. These in-fiction stories help to give life to the living, breathing universe we aim to create.
Later this week, Loremakers Guide to the Galaxy returns. Which system will they take us to this Wednesday? Keep an eye on our playlist for the newest episode here
Then on Thursday, a new episode of Around the Verse and the most up-to-date bug count on Burndown!
Last, but certainly not least is Citizen Con 2947! We have an entire day of panels, demos, Q&A sessions and more. We’re also streaming it all on our Twitch Channel for those who can’t make it out to Frankfurt to join us in person. Be sure to check out everything we have in store by visiting our Citizen Con Details page.
Tyler Nolin
Community Manager