Greetings Citizens

Happy New Year!
We hope that you all enjoyed the holiday season and found some time to jump into Star Citizen Alpha 3.0. For us, our team is now fully back and in high gear working on Alpha 3.1, Squadron 42, and more.
Last week, we updated our Production Schedule with a brief roadmap for 2018. We encourage you to check out all the details here.
With that, let’s see what’s going on this week:
There’s no Citizens of the Stars this week, but we’re working on something new for you that will air next Monday the 15th that we think you’re going to enjoy. Stay tuned!
Monday will however bring part 2 of the Tumbril Nova Q&A, so keep your eyes peeled on the front page of the website to find the answers to the questions you asked here.
On Tuesday, the lore team will be releasing the Kellog Galactic Guide that was made available to Subscribers in our second ever Jump Point Magazine.
On Wednesday, the team needed a bit more time to get back into the swing of things, so we won’t be airing an episode of Bugsmashers this week, but make sure to check in next Wednesday for an all new episode.
On Thursday, prepare your F5 keys. We’ll be bringing back our Studio Updates with a new episode of Around the ‘Verse. The first of this year’s Studio Updates starts with the team in Austin and their publish of Alpha 3.0.
Lastly, get ready for something old, AND something new. Reverse the Verse returns LIVE every Friday to recap the week and answer your questions after each Around the Verse with special guest: Global Head of Development Erin Roberts.
With that, we’ll see you in the ‘Verse!
Tyler Witkin
Lead Community Manager