Hello everyone,
CitizenCon 2948 is right around the corner! Only last week, the 3rd Wave of tickets hit our store, so make sure to secure yours to celebrate Star Citizen live, in Austin, Texas on October 10th. Find out more on our CitizenCon website, and while you’re there, enjoy the event schedule and retrospective video with memories from past events.
We also recently revealed Crusader Industries latest ship, the Mercury Star Runner. Built with the same engineering and design principals that have made Crusader the go-to manufacturer for galactic transport on any scale, the star runner chassis sets new standards for data and cargo conveyance. Find out more here.
The MISC Prospector Commercial Contest is still ongoing! We’ve seen a number of incredible entries come through so far, and eagerly await more. Find out all of the details here.
Lastly, we’re currently running one of our most exciting contests to date. Head over to Spectrum to find out how you can win the opportunity to direct a Motion Capture shoot LIVE at CitizenCon in our recently announced Emote Contest.
And with that, let’s see what else is going on this week:
Every week on Calling All Devs, designers, engineers, and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on Spectrum and voted for by YOU. This week we talk about Tessa Banister, ship alarms, and more. Watch the full episode here.
Then on Wednesday, join Lead Writer Will Weissbaum as he explores the Taranis system in an all new episode of Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Thursday will welcome another episode of Around the Verse where we’ll take a look at the latest Star Citizen news with a project update.
Also on Thursday, grab a cup of tea, cozy up, and get ready for the Monthly Studio Report where we’ll take a detailed look at what the teams around the globe have been up to in the month of August.
Finally, make sure to tune in on Friday for another episode of Reverse the Verse, broadcast live on our Star Citizen Twitch channel. Stay tuned for further information about who our special guests will be and keep an eye on Spectrum for the Questions Thread!
We’ll see you in the ‘Verse!
Tyler Witkin
Lead Community Manager