Happy Monday!
Last week, we launched an Anvil Ballista Bumper Sticker Contest, putting out the call to get creative and compete for epic prizes, including the chance to have your design physically printed and distributed to all attendees of CitizenCon in November. We’re currently tallying up the votes and will be announcing the winners on Spectrum later today.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
Tuesday, the Lore Team will publish a Portfolio looking at the Trade and Development Division.
Wednesday we’ll publish both the Star Citizen and Squadron 42 Monthly Reports for July, alongside our third and final wave of CitizenCon tickets.
Thursday welcomes a new episode of Inside Star Citizen, our weekly look behind the scenes of Star Citizen development.
Friday will see a Roadmap Update and the RSI Newsletter delivered right to your inbox. We also welcome a new episode of Star Citizen Live, which airs on our Star Citizen Channel at 12pm PDT (7pm UTC). This time, we’ll sit down with Lead Concept Artist Jeremiah Lee to design a character in real-time with help from you.
See you in the ‘verse!
Tyler “Zyloh” Witkin
Lead Community Manager