Happy Monday!
Last week, we brought the quarterly season of Inside Star Citizen to a close. In the last episode before the ongoing three-week hiatus, we looked into the additions and changes coming to the ‘verse in Alpha 3.14 and toured the new landing zone, Orison. The upcoming patch is already in the hands of our Evocati testers, with the team squashing the remaining bugs and adding the final touches before we roll it out to a larger audience. We’re super eager to get this patch out the door and in your hands, and we’ll keep you updated as we go!
Also, last week, we took your questions to our designers to get more information on the recently unveiled Xi’an cargo ship, the Gatac Railen. The Q&A, answering questions about the Railen’s triangular cargo pods, shield cover, and more, can be found here.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Tuesday, the Narrative Team is back with more Galactapedia content. If you haven’t taken a deep dive into the lore of the ‘verse yet, you can do so here.
Then, on Wednesday, you can look forward to an update to the Roadmap alongside a Roadmap Roundup!
Thursday won’t see an episode of Inside Star Citizen as we brought the quarterly season to a close but, fear not, the show will resume in just a few weeks!
You’ll see an update to the Subscriber Vault on Friday, and the RSI Newsletter will wait for you in your inbox. Calling All Devs returns this week, this time with an update on gameplay features like healing, personal inventory, hacking, and more with Richard Tyrer.
Have a great week and a happy #PrideMonth2951! 🏳️🌈
Ulf Kuerschner
Lead Community Manager
Screenshot by santorayo