Happy Monday, everyone!
Jump Town is safe… at least for now and until we’ve implemented your feedback. It’s been an absolute pleasure over the past few weeks watching you fight over these PVP locations and see alliances form (or suddenly break up) in pursuit of profit! So again, we thank you for your active participation.
Alongside Jumptown itself, the Jumptown 2.0 Video Contest came to an end in which we asked you to share your best heist attempts. We saw many great submissions and will announce the winners soon!
Talking of a great event, last Saturday saw the huge return of the filthiest race in the ‘verse, the Daymar Rally. It was an incredible show, and we can hardly express how grateful we are for such a great community! Kudos to the 200 staff members, the hundreds of participants, and the many supporters that made this community-driven mega-event another great success. Head over to the ATMO Esports channel to rewatch the Rally if you missed it.
Now, let’s return to the issue of safety in the Stanton system. The CDF provided us with its latest intelligence, mentioning a possible return of XenoThreat on the PTU servers where Star Citizen Alpha 3.16.1 is currently being put through its paces. The PTU is currently open to all backers, so copy your account and help us smash some bugs (and bad guys)!
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Tuesday, the Narrative team will publish a new lore post. This addition of Empire Report wonders why a key advisor to the Senate has left the Addison administration and explores what it might mean for the relationship between these two branches of government.
Wednesday will see November and December’s PU monthly reports published and the Squadron 42 reports sent out via email. So, we recommend subscribing to the Squadron 42 newsletter here.
Friday, you’ll catch our weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox and the update to the Subscriber Vault.
Have an excellent week!
Christian ‘Wayne-CIG’ Schmitt
Community Manager (and still dancing to MC Quantum feat. Skye – Is Jumptown Safe)