Greetings Citizens

Another week, another This Week in Star Citizen.
Chris is back in the LA office from his trip overseas to Foundries 42 UK and DE, so you can expect to see him back to hosting Around the Verse this week.
In current events, you may have noticed that Alpha 2.6.1 is now available to all backers on the PTU. This is a “big” little patch, in that beyond lots of quality of life bug fixes from our 2.6 release at the end of last year, it also introduced one of our most requested features: regional servers! This is an important step on the road to improved performance for all Star Citizen, and it excites me to think about what’s ahead when the Megamap combines with the “Star Network” and all the subsequent awesomeness that comes after that. Exciting times lay ahead for Star Citizen, to be certain.
But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, and take a look at what’s coming this week in Star Citizen.
By the time you read this, Citizens of the Stars will have been released on Monday. It features a fun Quantum Questions with Senior Producer Jake Ross from our Austin, TX studio, a look at the collected works of TheNOOBIFIER1337 in this week’s Citizen Spotlight, and a new irregular segment called “Subconscious” with Subscription Manager Alexis Lesnick that will cover all the great things Subscribers are getting each month. I’ll give you one guess as to who named that segment, and if you guess anyone other than Ben Lesnick, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Tuesday not only brings us another entry in our weekly Lore Post series, but it’s also VALENTINE’S DAY and to celebrate, we thought we’d do something a little fun. Be sure to check back here on Tuesday to discover the details of our first-ever Valentine’s Day ship sale. I’ll give you a hint: think ships for two…
Wednesday brings us another episode of Bugsmashers with Mark Abent. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but at the beginning, there’s a bug, and by the end, Mark has smashed the bug. It’s good stuff… I kid, but Bugsmashers is one of my absolute favorite things we put out. It’s a real, no kid gloves, behind-the-scenes look at actual game development, and I learn something with each and every episode. If you’ve never checked it out, I’d encourage you to give it a shot sometime and see something genuinely different.
Thursday is Around the Verse Day in the Star Citizen universe, and we’ve got some fun stuff cooking. Remember, that where our other shows may be fun or informative looks at various aspects of the community, development and game, you’ll always find the meatiest of developmental updates on Around the Verse every Thursday.
Finally on Friday we’ve got one more Happy Hour for ya. It’s your chance to hang out and play the game with some CIG developers and staff, and maybe ask some questions along the way. This Friday we’ll be playing the new Alpha 2.6.1, so if you’d like to play with us, be sure you update your clients! Whether the patch is on PTU or LIVE when this Friday comes, don’t miss your chance to hang out and have some fun with the staff.
And looking ahead at the coming weeks, we’ve got some new offerings in the works, additional tweaks to existing programming, and a concept ship sale on the horizon, so keep checking in to find out more.
With that, I’ll see you in the ‘Verse.
Jared Huckaby “Disco Lando” Community Manager