Greetings Citizens

Greetings Citizens,
Gamescom is only 16 days away and we are very excited to get to meet many of you in person. For those of you attending, make sure to check out this thread for all the details on where we’ll be after hours. This past Friday, we released July’s Monthly Report! Check out what each our of studios have accomplished this past month here.
With that, lets take a look at this week.
Today is Monday, and that means a new episode of Citizens of the Stars! In this episode, I talk with Olaf Jaeger about the amazing ship blueprint posters he’s created. Also, Director of Corporate and Publishing Technology Mike Jones challenges Brian Chambers for the crown of Quantum Champion.
On Tuesday, the Lore Team publishes a new weekly lore post. These weekly updates help give life and depth to the universe of Star Citizen. You can also check out previously published lore posts here.
On Wednesday, Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy is back on rotation this week. This bi-weekly series features a member of the Lore Team that takes us on a trip to one of the many star systems in the ‘Verse to learn about its history, horrors and unique characteristics that makes it like no other.
On Thursday, we’ll have a new episode of Around the Verse that you won’t want to miss! As an important reminder, Studio Updates have been temporarily replaced with a new segment that we’re excited to try out titled “Burndown”. This new segment will provide a unique look at the trials and tribulations of development as we lead up to the release of Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.
Lastly, Happy Hour returns this Friday! Subject is TBD, but we will make an announcement when we have finalized the details.
That’s all for this week, we’ll see you in the ‘Verse!
Tyler Nolin
Community Manager