Hello everyone,
Welcome to 2949! We hope that you all enjoyed the holiday season. We celebrated in the ‘verse with not one, but two holiday themed contests. We were taken aback by the incredible submissions that came through for our screenshot and greetings card contests. If you havn’t seen the submissions or winners, make sure to check them out on Spectrum.
And with that, let’s see what’s going on this week:
As we mentioned before the holiday break, there will be no new episodes of Calling All Devs this month. We’re taking some time to evaluate the best ways to provide all of you with awesome content. We’ve received a lot of feedback in 2948 about our various shows, and we’re taking some time to evaluate the best ways to provide you with the best possible content. To that end, we’ll likely be making some tweaks throughout the new year.
Tuesday is lore day! Galactic Guide will take us to Kabal, a seemingly abandoned system once inhabited by the Tevarin.
Wednesday brings the January Subscriber’s Newsletter.
Thursday will welcome another episode of Around the Verse where we’ll take a look at the latest Star Citizen news.
Now that we’re all back from holiday, the team is heads down and focused on delivering Alpha 3.5. We’re currently in the midst of doing additional planning for 2019 so look for a full update to the Roadmap in the near future. We appreciate that many of you are eager to see what’s coming, and what’s beyond 3.6. Rest assured we’re equally eager to get that information to you. If there are any updates to the Roadmap this week, we’ll update the schedule below accordingly. Stay tuned.
*Update – We are likely going to have a more routine roadmap update this week with the usual task count adjustments. We are still evaluating milestones for the remainder of the year and plan on adding additional columns to the roadmap once that is completed.
See you in the ‘verse!
Tyler Witkin
Lead Community Manager