Hello everyone,
Last week, Star Citizen Alpha 3.6 hit the live servers! For a look at what the latest patch brings to the ‘verse, check out our feature overview page here. In addition to a bevy of new features, Alpha 3.6 also introduced the latest straight-to-playable vehicle, the Anvil Ballista. We’re currently collecting your top questions for an upcoming Q&A on Spectrum, so if you’re looking for more information on this anti-aircraft beast, now’s your chance to ask.
We’d also like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been sharing their feedback – we truly appreciate the time many of you spend helping us bring the Star Citizen universe to life. We’re planning on releasing another patch in the very near future to address some outstanding issues, so keep an eye out and keep the feedback coming.
Finally, with CitizenCon 2949 approaching, we recently announced Community Booths. These booths provide an opportunity for members of the Star Citizen community to represent in person at the event. Whether you are championing your org, an event group, or a sub-community, we’re expanding this year to allow all backers to make their presence felt in an official capacity. Find all the details here.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
Tuesday, the Lore Team will publish the next chapter in the unfolding serial, One Last Job.
Thursday. The day many of you have been patiently waiting for… Inside Star Citizen returns, bringing you the latest on Star Citizen’s development.
Friday will see a Roadmap Update and the RSI Newsletter delivered right to your inbox. We also welcome a new episode of Star Citizen Live, which airs on our Star Citizen Channel at 9am PDT. Our guest this week will be Senior Props Artist Cory Bamford who will be creating original fine art pieces for the 890 Jump.
Also on Friday, we’ll kick off a Community Contest unlike any before it… stay tuned for what promises to be an epically humorous competition!
See you in the ‘verse!
Tyler “Zyloh” Witkin
Lead Community Manager