Happy Monday, everyone!
All eyes are on the horizon, where Alpha 3.12 is already dawning as the Public Test Servers are open to all backers now. As soon as Star Citizen Alpha 3.12 hits the live servers, you can look forward to great things both inside and outside the game as we look to celebrate Luminalia with you.
Speaking of great things… Last week, we announced our cooperation with Tobii and you can find all the info on how to use the Tobii Eyetracker 5 in Star Citizen here.
Check out last week’s Star Citizen Live with Core Gameplay Director Richard Tyrer and Star Citizen Live Director Todd Papy, who joined us to answer your questions, from tractor beams to gas clouds and more. And if you’re still looking for more information, keep a close eye on Spectrum (pinned in General) as we revived our Patch Watch series last week to discuss improvements coming for Headtracking and Countermeasures, and we’re back again this week to talk Reputation V1!
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Tuesday, the Narrative Team gifts us with Drifters Part Four, the follow-up to a Serialized Fiction episode that you can catch up on here.
Thursday, Inside Star Citizen takes a closer look at Star Citizen’s Year in Review in 2020’s final episode. We are also looking forward to picking up where the story left off in Star Citizen: The Reunion, Part I on our YouTube channel.
Wrapping up the week on Friday, you’ll see an update to the Subscriber Vault, and the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox. Subscribers will also receive the December Issue of Jump Point, Star Citizen’s official digital magazine. Edit: As we’re working towards publishing our new Roadmap, there won’t be an update to the old Roadmap this week other than marking the features for Alpha 3.12 as released.
Have an excellent week!
Christian Schmitt aka Wayne-CIG
Associate Community Manager
Screenshot by I_Mandalorian_I