Happy Monday, everyone!
While Inside Star Citizen is still on its three-week hiatus, last Thursday, Chris and Sandi joined us in what was meant to be a five-minute video update… Instead, you can visit our YouTube channel to watch Sandi’s nearly half-hour update with Chris.
If you want to know more about upcoming features like medical gameplay, hacking, and FPS radar, be sure to check out last week’s episode of Calling All Devs with Core Gameplay Director Richard Tyrer.
Last but not least, we wrapped up Pride Month 2021 (though we’re still proud no matter the month) by creating a gallery of all the awesome creative submissions from our Show Us Your Colors Celebration 2021. Check out this colorful splendor!
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
This Tuesday, the Narrative Team will publish their second Comm-link answering some of the community’s burning questions from the Ask A Dev section of Spectrum.
Wednesday, we’ll publish June’s Monthly Report for the PU and send out Squadron 42’s report via email.
On Friday, you’ll see an update to the Subscriber Vault and the RSI Newsletter will wait for you in your inbox. UPDATE: Due to several integral staff out of office this week, we wont air an episode of Star Citizen Live, but rest assured we’ll be back next week!
Have a great week!
Christian ‘Wayne-CIG’ Schmitt
Community Manager
Screenshot by LeMage