Happy Monday, everyone!
The floating city of Orison opened its doors in Alpha 3.14, and travelers from near and far are enjoying the sights and sounds of this stunning new location. If you have an impressive screenshot of Orison or Crusader, make sure to upload and tag it with your referral code as part of our onoging Wish You Were Here Contest. Hurry though, because the submission period ends on August 18, 2021 (EOD 11:59 PM Pacific).
And don’t forget about the Constellation Coloring Contest!. However, you have until August 20 to enter your very own themed Constellation Taurus to receive a chance of winning one of RSI’s trusted and versatile cargo haulers.
Plus, there are just over two weeks left to create a stunning costume for the 2021 Star Citizen Cosplay Contest, whose winners will be announced at Digital CitizenCon on October 9. Keep in mind that group submissions are also allowed.
Meanwhile, the Ninetails pirate clan are rocking the Stanton system, attempting to cut off rest stops from vital medical supplies. Team up to defend the system or join the Ninetails and potentially make some serious dirty money.
Finally, the team has been hard at work evaluating ongoing stability status and player feedback, and hopes to have a patch out ASAP to address issues.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:
On Tuesday, the Narrative team shares a new Congress Now post focused on the debate around Imperator Addison’s nominee to be the next ambassador to the Xi’an Empire.
Wednesday, we’re planning to launch a Free Fly for Star Citizen Alpha 3.14: Welcome to Orison. The Star Citizen community is among the most welcoming in all of gaming, and if you plan to support the newcomers, check out the guide system and register today. Don’t forget the share your referral code with your friends before they create an account to receive a special bonus.
This Thursday, we’re back with Inside Star Citizen on our YouTube Channel, taking a look at the upcoming hospitals around the ‘verse and exploring behind the scenes of ship gold standards.
On Friday, you’ll see an update to the Subscriber Vault and the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox. Last but not least, we’ll welcome a new episode of Star Citizen Live, with members of the game development team from our new Turbulent studio. The show will be broadcast on our Star Citizen Twitch channel. The show will start at 11am Pacific / 6pm UTC.
Have a great week!
Christian ‘Wayne’ Schmitt
Community Manager
Screenshot by Kh3nt